5 Facts About The DC Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck in DCChances are, you’ve heard of the tummy tuck procedure. With over 120,000 tummy tucks performed in 2019, the procedure is incredibly popular. Patients opt into the procedure for both cosmetic and medical reasons, but before deciding on a tummy tuck you should learn if the procedure is right for you.

Facts about the DC tummy tuck

  1. The procedure can help remove excess skin- In the procedure, we can remove excess skin from your stomach and even back area that is leftover from weight loss.
  2. A tummy tuck can give you a slimmer midsection– During your tummy tuck we may remove excess skin as well as perform liposuction which can leave you with a slimmer figure than you previously had.
  3. Candidates for the procedure should be close to their ideal weight– We recommend that candidates are near their ideal weight before undergoing the procedure. While the procedure can help patients lose a bit of weight through skin and fat removal, patients should be close to their ideal weight for best results.
  4. Patients should have realistic expectations for their results– While a tummy tuck can significantly change your appearance and help you achieve your body goals, it is important you understand what to expect from your results, which we’ll discuss during your consultation.
  5. Not all tummy tucks are the same– There are three types of tummy tuck: full, mini, and extended. Depending on the amount of excess skin and fat you have, we can determine which type of tummy tuck procedure will best help you achieve your goals.

Why so many patients choose Bruno |Brown for their tummy tuck procedure

Our doctors are highly trained and perform technically advanced procedures. We aim to give our patients the best possible result while always keeping their well-being top of mind. We will discuss what the procedure entails and what to expect before you choose to undergo the procedure. We’ll support you 100% of the way until your recovery is complete and you have the tummy you’ve been dreaming of.

To schedule a consultation with one of our experienced DC plastic surgeons for a tummy tuck in DC call 301-215-5955 or click here.

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