Scar Revision

Minimize the Appearance of Scars

Scar revision can decrease any painful, itchy, or unsightly scars to improve appearance and comfort. This procedure is safe and effective for all skin types.

Considerations for Your DC-area Scar Revision Procedure:

Many scars, particularly keloids, hypertrophic scars, and burn scars, might need attention to improve both physical comfort and outward appearance.

The doctors at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery offer a number of surgical and non-surgical techniques to deal with scars.

We’ll discuss the following during your consultation:

  • Scar size
  • Scar color
  • Scar protrusion
  • Discomfort associated with scar
  • Non-surgical scar removal techniques
  • Surgical scar removal techniques

Making the Right Decision: Choose an Expert DC-Area Plastic Surgeon with Proven Experience

Finding the right plastic surgeon for your scar revision procedure is critical. Our doctors have decades of experience making each and every patient feel beautiful and confident with the latest, most innovative practices.

Scar Revision at a Glance:

Surgery Time: 30 Minutes – 2 Hours

Recovery Time: Minimal

Scar Revision FAQs

What does keloid and hypertrophic mean?
What are the benefits of scar revision?
What are the different techniques you might recommend for this procedure?

Schedule a consultation with our award-winning plastic surgeons to discuss how we can achieve your goals with our personalized approach.

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