Your face is one of the first areas to show signs of aging. Unfortunately, these signs of aging can give you a tired or worn out appearance, making you look older than you feel. If this is the case, you may want to consider a facelift.
A facelift is one of the most effective ways to reverse the signs of aging and revitalize your facial appearance. However, this procedure isn't right for everyone. It's important to determine whether you are a good candidate before moving forward with your facelift procedure.
Ideal facelift candidates:
- Are in good general health
- Have realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure
- Have sagging facial tissue
- Have good skin elasticity
- Have excess loose skin in the face or neck
- Have well-defined bone structure to support the surgical alterations made during your facelift
- Want high quality, long term results instead of a short term quick-fix
- Don't smoke or is willing to quit through the duration of the procedure
- Don't have any health conditions that may increase risks
- Are willing to commit the time required, including recovery time, for extensive plastic surgery
During your initial consultation, Dr. Bruno and Dr. Brown will evaluate your facial features and listen carefully to your goals in order to determine if a facelift is right for you at this time. If so, they will work with you to devise a customized treatment plan that will address your unique aesthetic goals.
To find out if a facelift is right for you, please contact Chevy Chase Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation. We serve patients in the Washington DC area.