Give Your Breasts a Boost with a Breast Lift in McLean, VA

Breast Lift McLeanAccording to The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the breast lift procedure has gone up in popularity by 70% since 2000, outpacing breast implants 2-to-1. A breast lift is a great option for moms whose bodies have changed after having children, or those whose breasts aren’t as perky as they’d like them to be. However, before opting into the procedure, you should understand the benefits and if the procedure is right for you.

Why choose a breast lift in McLean, VA?

As women age, their breasts can become saggy or droopy, which can affect confidence. Going through a pregnancy can also have these effects on the body. While it is perfectly natural for your breasts to sag or droop, it’s relatively normal to want to improve their look and restore their youthful, perky appearance.

Some of the main benefits of the procedure are:

  • Improvement of breast position
  • Improvement in breast symmetry
  • Restoration of cleavage
  • Tightening of the breasts skin and shape

Is a  breast lift in McLean, VA right for me?

Whether you’re ready for a breast lift now or just starting to think about it, you should figure out if this procedure is right for you. One of the most important things to consider is your health. This procedure is recommended for those in good overall health and those who are not currently pregnant or nursing.

Beyond the general health requirements, good candidates have a realistic expectation for their results, wish to improve the appearance of their breasts, and those whose breasts have lost their shape or position.

Discuss your breast lift options with a top Mclean, VA plastic surgeon

If you’re considering having a breast lift procedure completed and want to know if you’re a good candidate and what your results could be, it’s best to talk with a top-rated plastic surgeon. The doctors at Bruno | Brown are experienced, dedicated to providing top-notch results, and value patient safety above all else. They’ll discuss your case specifically, what you can expect as a result, and what your recovery will be like. Recovery typically takes about 2-3 weeks, and the doctors at Bruno | Brown will be there to support you the entire way.

To schedule your consultation for a breast lift, call 301-215-5955 or reach out online.






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