If you’re one of the thousands of women who suffer from overdeveloped and painful breasts, a breast reduction may be able to help. Whether you’ve done your research into the procedure or you’re just getting started in your research process, the doctors at Bruno Brown are here to help.
What to know about the breast reduction procedure
- The procedure may be covered by insurance– One thing that holds many patients back from undergoing plastic surgery is a concern with pricing, but many patients’ breast reductions are covered by insurance. For patients who have suffered back issues, painful marks left behind from bra straps, or other negative effects on their health, the procedure may be covered by insurance.
- The procedure is meant to be tailored to you– Not every patient has the same goals and we keep that in mind when discussing procedures. Whether you’re looking for a slight reduction, major reduction, or reduction and lift we can help you achieve your specific goals.
- There are several benefits– The breast reduction benefits include the improved appearance of your breasts, the ability to be more physically active, reduction in neck and back pain in many cases, and boosted self-confidence in many patients.
What we will discuss during your consultation for a breast reduction
During your consultation, we will evaluate your breasts and talk through why you want to undergo the procedure. We’ll take your concerns into account and discuss options with you. Our doctors will also answer any questions you have about the procedure, recovery time, and the results you can expect. We perform technically advanced procedures to achieve the best possible result for our patients and aim for your complete satisfaction.
To schedule a consultation and learn more about if the breast reduction procedure is right for you call 301-215-5955 or click here.