Jessica Smart Shares Her Experience with Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery

Jessica Smart runs a popular blog, The Littles Life, where she discusses being a mom, her favorite fashion trends, travel, and more. She recently stopped by Bruno | Brown for a skincare consultation and shared her experience with dermaplaning, a chemical peel, and LED light therapy.

Why Jessica choose Bruno | Brown to help with her skincare needs

Skincare is one of the most vital parts of our daily routines. Your face is the first thing people see when they look at you and it’s of the utmost importance you take good care of it. When Jessica stopped by our office it was mainly to get a feel for what she could do to benefit her skin outside of her normal routine stating “The goal for me is to ultimately reduce dark spots and acne, as well as age as gracefully as possible”


Jessica’s experience with dermaplaning, a chemical peel, and LED light therapy

Jessica met with our master esthetician, Zara, and discussed her skincare goals. Zara recommended dermaplaning, followed by a chemical peel, and finalized with LED light therapy. Of the dermaplaining Jessica said “The way my face felt after was incredible!! My face has never felt so smooth!”

Once Zara finished with dermaplaning, it was on to the chemical peel. Jessica had the ZO stimulator peel with can remove dead skin cells, even skin tone, prevent inflammation, and minimize fine lines and wrinkles. Jessica said of her experience during the chemical peel “I felt tingling through out the process with the peel, but again, nothing painful whatsoever. I was still able to relax and loved the process of having my face washed after. Again my face felt amazing!”

Following the chemical peel, Jessica had LED light therapy which she said felt relaxing and “felt like I was laying on a beach somewhere soaking in all the much needed warmth. This was probably my favorite part!”


The skincare follow-up

Once Jessica’s treatments were complete Zara was able to give her some skin care recommendations to help her keep her skin healthy and clear. Next up for Jessica in the coming months will be an IPL treatment.

How to choose a skin care specialist

When you’ve decided it’s time to do more for your skin you’ll want to find a skin care specialist who can listen to your goals and come up with a plan to achieve them. Our skin care team at Bruno | Brown is highly trained and ready to assess your needs and help you achieve glowing healthy skin.

To read Jessica’s full blog click here.

To schedule a consultation with one of our skin care specialists call 301-215-5955 or click here.





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