DC Liposuction and Mommy Makeovers

If you are concerned about the effects pregnancy has had on your body, you may want to consider a mommy makeover. Using a series of body contouring procedures, the Washington DC surgeons at Chevy Chase Plastic Surgery can reshape and restore your body to its pre-pregnancy youth and vitality.

Liposuction is often one of the key procedures included in a mommy makeover. After pregnancy, many women find themselves dealing with stubborn deposits of fat on their:

  • Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Back
  • Neck
  • Face

These deposits of fat are sometimes resistant to diet and exercise. You can do everything right and still find yourself with fat you don’t want. That’s where liposuction as part of a mommy makeover comes in.

We can remove these deposits of fat using some of the most advanced liposuction techniques, each of which has an excellent safety record. When combined with a tummy tuck and/or breast surgery, liposuction as part of a mommy makeover can give you a tight, taut, attractive body shape.

If you live in the Washington DC area and you want to learn more about what’s involved in a mommy makeover, please contact Bruno|Brown Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation.


Bruno|Brown Plastic Surgery specializes in top mommy makeovers DC and DC Liposuction.

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