Microneedling with PRP: How to Get the Best Results

When it comes to microneedling with PRP it’s important to choose someone you can trust, like top-rated Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery.

What is Microneedling with PRP?

Microneedling with PRP, also known as the “vampire facial” is a non-invasive procedure in which PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is taken from your blood and injected via micro-channels to problem areas across your face to rejuvenate your skin by reducing signs of aging, minimizing scars, boosting collagen production and treating stretch marks and age spots.

Overall, microneedling with PRP gives your skin a natural and healthy glow.

Why is it Important to Find Experienced, Trustworthy experts for Microneedling with PRP?

Your face is one of your most important features, and it deserves the best care possible. There are many reports of inexperienced and ill-equipped providers performing microneedling with PRP incorrectly and damaging the patient’s skin, sometimes irrevocably.

One account is documented in this real-self article, where the patient describes the damage done to her skin. This was likely caused by an inexperienced microneedling provider pressing the microneedles too deep into the patient’s skin, creating wounds. The patient goes on to describe the year-long battle to repair her skin, using skin care products in a fatal attempt to reverse the damage.

It is very unfortunate when microneedling with PRP is performed without the proper knowledge and skill it requires.

The procedure itself is extremely safe when performed correctly by an experienced medical aesthetician.

At Bruno | Brown plastic surgery, we have amazing before and after images, as well as excellent testimonials from our patients. One patient who underwent microneedling with PRP said, “my skin looks healthier, more plump and even, and certainly has a more youthful glow.”

The patient described the procedure as relatively painless, quick, and with virtually no recovery time. She relates the best part of undergoing microneedling with PRP– that the procedure was customized to achieve her individual goal: keeping her skin looking as natural and healthy as possible.

Learn more about the microneedling with PRP procedure, today.

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