Procedure Options For Your Mommy Makeover

For many moms, your children are your first priority. Being a mom is a full-time job and for many women, it’s difficult to find time for self-care. Proper diet and exercise can help, but for some, it’s not quite enough to get where you want to be. If you’re a busy mom looking to get back to your pre-baby body, a mommy makeover can help.

Mommy MakeoverCommon Procedures Performed During a Mommy Makeover 

  • Tummy tuck– This procedure is great for patients who have excess skin and fat in their midsection that they would like to remove. The tummy tuck procedure you receive can be catered to the extent of excess skin and fat there are. Whether you need a full tummy tuck, a mini, or something in between, we’ll find the right procedure for you.
  • Liposuction– Liposuction can be performed for those who may not need a full tummy tuck or have other areas where they would like to remove excess fat.
  • Breast augmentation– Many women opt for breast augmentation for their mommy makeover as pregnancy and breastfeeding can tend to deflate the volume of your breasts.
  • Breast liftAnother great procedure to improve the look of your breasts is a breast lift. If your breasts are feeling a bit saggy a lift and/or augmentation may be right for you.
  • Brazilian butt lift– The Brazilian butt lift allows you to take fat from one area of your body and put it into your butt to increase its size and give it a rounder, perkier look. Pregnancy can not only affect your breasts but can even leave your butt looking a bit deflated. Whether you’re trying to get back the bum you once had or give yourself the bum you’ve always wanted a Brazilian butt lift can help.

How We Determine What Procedures Are Right for Your Mommy Makeover

During your consultation, we can talk through the areas you would like to target and your ultimate goals for your body. The procedure is meant to be tailored to your specific needs and we can help you determine what procedures will benefit you most.

To schedule your consultation and learn more about your mommy makeover procedure options call 301-215-5955 or click here.





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