Top 5 Cosmetic Surgical Procedures for 2024 in Washington DC

Top 5 Cosmetic Surgical Procedures for 2024 in Washington DC

In the dynamic landscape of cosmetic surgery, 2024 unfolds as a year poised to redefine beauty standards and elevate aesthetic transformations. From sculpting confidence through liposuction to breast augmentation, achieving a defined figure via abdominoplasty, and rejuvenating expressiveness with eyelid surgery, we’re here to explore the top five cosmetic surgical procedures of 2024, providing insight into the trends shaping self-expression.

1.  Liposuction

Top DC Plastic SurgeonsThis versatile and transformative procedure continues to hold its ground for those seeking a sculpted and proportionate physique. Despite relentless efforts in dieting and exercise, many individuals find themselves grappling with stubborn pockets of fat that seem to stick. That’s where liposuction comes in: liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure capable of targeting and removing unwanted fat from specific areas such as love handles, arms, thighs, and more. This does so through a suction, utilizing a thin metal tube or cannula.

During your consultation, our expert surgeons will have a thorough discussion with you going over:

  • Target Areas for Fat Removal: Identifying the specific regions that concern you most.
  • Traditional Tumescent Liposuction: Exploring this established technique for precise fat removal.
  • Power-Assisted Liposuction: Understanding the benefits of this advanced approach.
  • Skin Elasticity: Evaluating the condition of your skin for optimal outcomes.
  • Lifestyle and Activity Levels: Tailoring the procedure to seamlessly integrate with your daily life.

As we step into another year, liposuction continues to reign supreme, providing individuals with the opportunity to sculpt their bodies and rediscover confidence. To see before and after photos of DC liposuction, click here.

2. Breast Augmentation

This is a transformative procedure that goes beyond reshaping; it empowers women to embrace their desired figure, fostering confidence.

Breast augmentation enhances the size and shape of breasts using implants or fat grafting to correct small, uneven, or disproportionate breasts. Breast augmentation isn’t merely about resizing; it’s a journey toward feeling happier and more confident. At Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery in Washington DC, we understand the profound impact that achieving the ideal breast size can have on a woman’s self-esteem.

During your consultation, key considerations include:

  • Implant vs. Fat Grafting: Exploring the best method to achieve your desired results.
  • Implant Material (Saline or Silicone): Understanding the characteristics of each material.
  • Implant Size: Tailoring the size to align with your aesthetic goals.
  • Implant Profile: Determining the desired projection and shape.
  • Implant Placement (Above or Below Pectoral Muscle): Deciding on the optimal placement for a natural look.
  • Lifestyle and Activity Levels: Ensuring the procedure seamlessly integrates with your daily life.
  • Skin Elasticity: Evaluating the condition of your skin for optimal outcomes.

As we celebrate the continued popularity of breast augmentation, we invite you to embark on a journey towards enhanced confidence and self-expression. To see before and after photos of breast augmentation in DC, click here.

3. Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

DC Plastic Surgery Operating Room

Addressing a common struggle that transcends diet and exercise, abdominoplasty has emerged as a favorite for those seeking a defined waistline and sculpted silhouette. The relentless pursuit of a healthier lifestyle often encounters a roadblock in stubborn pockets of stomach fat or sagging skin impervious to our best efforts. Abdominoplasty, designed to remove unwanted fat tissue around the waistline and stomach, goes beyond conventional methods, transforming the entire waistline for a toned look and heightened confidence.

During your abdominoplasty consultation, expect in-depth discussions covering:

  • Waistline Contouring Goals: Identifying and understanding your unique aspirations for a sculpted waistline.
  • Incision Type: Tailoring the surgical approach to suit your individual needs.
  • Amount of Excess Skin/Fat to Remove: Crafting a personalized plan based on your specific requirements.
  • Lifestyle and Activity Levels: Ensuring the procedure seamlessly integrates into your daily life.

To see before and after photos of DC tummy tucks, click here.

4. Breast Lift

Designed to lift and enhance the breasts, this transformative procedure at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery offers a rejuvenated and perkier appearance. Factors such as aging, pregnancy, and genetics can influence breast appearance, making a breast lift the perfect solution for those seeking to reclaim the youthful contour and firmness of their breasts.

Our approach to breast lift procedures is a commitment to holistic beauty. During your consultation, we will explore:

  • Breast Shape: Assessing and enhancing the natural shape of the breasts.
  • Breast Position: Repositioning the breasts for a more youthful appearance.
  • Skin Elasticity: Evaluating the skin’s ability to adapt to the changes.
  • Increasing Volume and Size: Discussing options for enhancing volume, including the potential addition of breast implants.
  • Incision Type: Tailoring the procedure to your anatomy and preferences.
  • Lifestyle and Activity Levels: Ensuring that the chosen approach aligns seamlessly with your daily life.

A breast lift in DC is a time-tested solution to elevate and enhance your natural beauty. To see before and after photos of breast lifts in DC, click here.

5. Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Factors like aging, lack of sleep, and sun damage can impact the expressiveness of our eyes leaving us constantly looking fatigued. Enter blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery): this targets excess skin, fat, or muscle in the upper or lower eyelids. This surgery is designed to eliminate under-eye puffiness, correct drooping eyelids, and smooth out wrinkles, leaving a more youthful and refreshed look.

For those seeking an extra touch of rejuvenation around the eyebrow and upper eyelid area, a browpexy is a complementary procedure that can be added to your blepharoplasty. Unlike a traditional brow lift, a browpexy involves smaller incisions and boasts a shorter recovery period.

At Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery, we approach blepharoplasty with a focus on the overall harmony of your facial features rather than isolating a single area. During your consultation, our experienced doctors will collaborate with you to determine the targeted areas that will achieve the most appealing appearance for your eyes:

  • Upper Blepharoplasty: Addressing concerns related to the upper eyelids.
  • Lower Blepharoplasty: Targeting issues in the lower eyelids.
  • Vision Difficulties: Evaluating and addressing concerns caused by drooping eyelids.
  • Undereye Puffiness: Resolving puffiness to enhance overall eye aesthetics.
  • Lifestyle Considerations: Tailoring the procedure to align with your daily life.
  • Browpexy Addition: Discussing the option of incorporating a browpexy for enhanced results.

To see before and after photos of DC blepharoplasty, click here.

Choosing the right surgeon for your cosmetic procedures in 2024

When considering any cosmetic surgery, choosing the right doctor is crucial. Our doctors here at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery are among the area’s top-rated plastic surgeons, serving the greater Washington DC metropolitan area, including Maryland and Northern Virginia, for over 30 years. With a wealth of experience, we prioritize patient desires and needs, making every patient feel confident with the latest, most innovative practices.

If you’re interested in some of the top cosmetic surgical procedures, contact us today and schedule your consultation!

Breast Reduction, Breast Lift, and Breast Implants in Chevy Chase, MD

Thinking About Enhancing Your Breasts? Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery Can Help!

Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery understands how important it is to feel comfortable and confident in your own skin. That’s why we provide breast reductions, breast lifts, breast implants and more. Whether you want to downsize, reshape, or enlarge, our doctors will help you achieve your goal.

Welcome to our blog! If you’re looking for breast enhancement before and after photos, please click here.

What to Expect When Exploring Breast Enhancement in Chevy Chase

In order to effectively treat you, you will have a consultation with one of our doctors. During this, they will assess your current situation and discuss your goals. Clearly defining where you are and where you want to go will help choose the right procedure for you.

Listed below are some factors to consider for each procedure:

Breast Reduction Considerations

  • Reducing the size of the breasts
  • Reshaping the breasts
  • Placement of the nipple and areola Dr. Bruno and Dr. Brown preforming Breast Implant Exchange
  • Incision options
  • Lifestyle and activity levels

Breast Lift Considerations

  • Breast shape
  • Breast position
  • Skin elasticity
  • Increasing volume and size with a breast implant
  • Incision type
  • Lifestyle and activity levels

Breast Implant Considerations

  • Implant vs. Fat grafting
  • Implant material (saline or silicone)
  • Implant size
  • Implant profile
  • Implant placement (above or below pectoral muscle)
  • Lifestyle and activity levels
  • Skin elasticity

Getting a Breast Reduction in Chevy Chase

Oversized breasts can create obstacles in your everyday life. These obstacles make it difficult to do simple tasks such as finding proper clothing, completing household chores, or exercising. Many women who have large breasts suffer from physical pain and self-confidence issues. Breast reduction can alleviate pain or discomfort by reducing the weight of your breasts and reshaping them to achieve your body goals. Our board-certified plastic surgeons will work with you to determine how breast reduction surgery can improve your confidence and quality of life.

In this surgery, excess skin, fat, and tissue are removed in order to achieve both a reduced size and a desired shape. The breast is also lifted during this procedure.

It’s common to feel sore and sensitive for a few days after the procedure. Pain medication is often used only for a few days following the procedure. Recovery can vary depending on how the individual heals, but most can return to regular activity after a week. You can return to exercise after you are fully healed and swelling has dissipated.

For more breast reduction before and after photos, please click here.

Breast reduction beforeBreast reduction afterBreast reduction beforeBreast reduction after





Getting a Breast Lift in Chevy Chase

A breast lift lifts and enhances your breasts for a more youthful and perkier appearance. If you feel that the appearance of your breasts has changed overtime, fight aging with a breast lift. To help women achieve maximum satisfaction with their appearance, our doctors focus on a holistic approach to breast procedures. Your doctor will work with you to determine if the breast lift procedure will achieve your desired look and will suit your lifestyle.

In this procedure, incisions are made to sagging or droopy breasts in order to lift the breast and improve the contour. After the incisions are made, the underlying breast tissue is lifted and reshaped, the nipple and areola are repositioned, and any excess breast skin is removed. There are four different types of breast lift incision. The doctors will work with you to evaluate which type of breast lift incision will best suit your needs.

The four basic options are:

  • Anchor: 3 basic incisions, one around the areola, one vertical to the breast crease, and one horizontal along the breast crease
  • Lollipop: 2 basic incisions, one around the areola and one vertical to the breast crease
  • Periareolar: 1 incision around the areola
  • Crescent: 1 along the top half of the areola

Recovery time is between 1-2 weeks following the procedure. It can vary depending on how the individual heals, but most can return to regular activity after a week and exercise once you’re fully healed.

For more breast lift before and after photos, please click here.

Breast Lift BeforeBreast LiftBreast LiftBreast Lift






Getting Breast Implants in Chevy Chase

Breast augmentation provides women with an enhanced figure by resizing and reshaping the breast to achieve a fuller look. Every woman is different so we take a holistic approach to achieving your desired look. During your consultation, we will work closely with you to determine whether a breast implant or fat grafting can best help you achieve the ideal shape and size of your breast.

In the procedure, either saline, silicone, Ideal implants, or fat are used to reshape and contour the breasts. Incisions are made either around the areola, below the breast, or in the underarm in order to achieve the desired shape, size, and lift. There is slight variation in size availability for saline and silicone breast implants, but in general breast implant volumes range from about 120cc to 800cc.

It’s also important to keep in mind your skin elasticity so if you are prone to stretch marks your results may be best if you choose implants that won’t put more stress than necessary on the skin. In addition to volume, there is breast implant projection. The options include low, low plus, moderate, full, and extra full.

Immediately after the procedure, we will provide you with a supportive surgical bra to help control swelling. Typically breast augmentation recovery time is between 1-2 weeks after the procedure. It can vary depending on how the individual heals, but most can return to regular activity after a week and exercise after you’re fully healed.

For more breast implant before and after photos, please click here.

DC Breast AugmentationDC Breast AugmentationDC Breast AugmentationDC Breast Augmentation



Interested in breast enhancement? Schedule your consultation today (301) 215-5955

Breast Augmentation and Lift for Former NFL Cheerleader at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery

At Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery, we’re passionate about helping women feel confident and beautiful in their own skin. Recently, we had the pleasure of working with a former NFL cheerleader who wanted to enhance her figure with breast implants and a breast lift.

Meet Dominick Fink, former NFL cheerleader, career woman, mom, and all-around girl boss. Ready to follow her breast implant revision and breast lift experience?

After five and a half years of being unhappy with her current breast augmentation, former NFL cheerleader Dominick Fink decided it was time to change that.

Disclaimer: This video contains some graphic images of surgery.

Why did Dominick choose Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery for her breast implant exchange?

Dominick contacted a former teammate when looking for the perfect plastic surgeon to perform her breast augmentation. Her old Redskins teammate, Jordan, raved about her results from Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery, and Dominick knew this was the best option.

Dominick had one main goal: to make her breasts smaller and perkier through a breast implant revision and breast lift.

She already had saline breast implants from her first breast augmentation that she had done five and a half years ago. She felt as though they were too big for her and was looking for something a little more natural.

“I went through a process where I kinda gained a little bit of weight. Got comfortable with myself. And I just, I don’t know… I kinda want to take it down a little bit and just maybe be a little more proportional.”

Overall, she wanted to come across as more proportional and smaller-chested.

Dominick’s breast lift and breast implant exchange consultations: Dominick Fick having a consultation with Dr. Bruno and Dr. Brown

Before her surgery, Dominick had two consultations: first, to meet the doctors, and second, a pre-surgery consultation to discuss the final details of the surgery. In these consultations, Dr. Bruno and Dr. Brown covered:

What about post-surgery drains?

In this breast augmentation, Dominick did not need drains after her surgery. Drains are often used for more invasive surgeries and can help remove excess liquid instead of forcing the body to absorb that liquid. Drains are discussed in both the pre-surgery consultation and the post-surgery consultation when needed.

The surgery took about 3 hours and consisted of a breast implant exchange and a mastopexy or breast lift.

The main goal was to downsize the implants and lift the breasts to tighten them up. Dominick’s surgery consisted of:Dr. Bruno and Dr. Brown preforming Breast Implant Exchange

  • Tightening up the breast pocket and skin around the breast to both shrink that space and make sure the implant is not loose.
  • Removing the extra tissue that is not wanted.
  • Placing the implants in the breast pockets and stitching them into place.

In the end, Dr. Bruno and Dr. Brown ended up removing half the volume of her breasts.

Dominick’s breast augmentation recovery process:

A few weeks post-surgery, we took the time to interview Dominick on her how she felt and her breast augmentation recovery.

Q: How do you feel post-procedure?Dominick Fink interview after breast lift surgery

A: “I was expecting to be really groggy. I was expecting to be really tired. But I got right back into the car and I was aware of my surroundings, I was good, I felt good. A couple days after I was a little uncomfortable. Just a little mild discomfort but it wasn’t anything too serious. But now I mean I feel great, I’m able to move my arms. I’m super happy with everything and I love the results.”

Q: Did you have any swelling or bruising?

A: “There really wasn’t anything too significant. Of course, the normal scaring around the area, but really there was no bruising.”

Q: How long was it until you felt able to accomplish tasks?

A: “It was about a week, um, until I felt really comfortable moving my arms. Now like I said, I am free to move my arms, and I’m back in the dance studio dancing again. But, I would probably say it was about a week, week and a half until I was back up…  you know, lifting my son up and doing those normal household chores.”

Q: What was the most surprising aspect of the procedure?

A: “I think the most surprising… having had the surgery or a surgery before, I was very nervous about the swelling aspect of it. When I came out of my first surgery, I was super, super swollen, but now I feel comfortable. I think they look great. I feel like I could be back to, you know, my normal bra size or my regular bra size. I think the swelling aspect was what I was really nervous about, but it wasn’t anything too significant.” 

Q: What was your healing time and process like?

A: “Healing Time, I was really nervous. I thought I was going to be out and down for, you know, ‘x’ amount of months, but… like I said, I am back in the dance studio, I am moving, and I am ready to work out again. I feel great. I feel like I can get back in the gym and do everything that I did before.” 

Q: What were your follow-up consultations like?

A: “Follow-ups were absolutely fantastic. When I originally had my first surgery… I went for my consult, I got my surgery, and that was really it. But with Dr. Bruno and Dr. Brown, everyone has been so fantastic. I’ve come in, I’ve had multiple appointments afterward to check on me, to see how I’m feeling, I’ve had emails, I’ve had calls… this whole experience with Dr. Bruno and Dr. Brown has been absolutely incredible. And something I would honestly recommend to anyone and everyone who is looking to have a surgery done. It’s just been fantastic.” 

Breast augmentation before and after results

Dominick’s results turned out better than she could have ever wanted, and she had a smoother recovery than she was expecting. See her amazing results for yourself!

Breast Augmentation before and afterBreast Augmentation before and after side view

Are you interested in learning more about what a possible breast augmentationbreast lift, and/or breast implant exchange would look like for you?

Ready to schedule a consultation at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery today?

Click Here

Dr. Brown Named 2021 Top Doctor by Washingtonian Magazine

Dr. Brown named 2021 Top Doctor by Washingtonian Magazine

Dr. Brown was recognized as a Top Doctor for 2021 by Washingtonian Magazine!

Make sure to grab a copy and read the feature. Congratulations, Dr. Brown!

Read Dr. Brown’s bio here >

See all of our Awards & Press here >

Breast Lift Procedure Overview

Over time your breasts can begin to sag, lose volume, and look less youthful than they once did. This can be due to factors such as pregnancy, weight loss, and aging. While it is entirely normal for the appearance of your breasts to change over time, you may feel less than confident in your appearance.

If you’re looking to improve the appearance of your breast volume, remove excess skin, and regain your youthful breasts, a breast lift might be right for you.

What happens during the breast lift procedure

In this procedure, incisions are made to sagging breasts in order to lift the breast and improve the overall contour. After the incisions are made, the underlying breast tissue is lifted and reshaped, the nipple and areola are repositioned, and any excess breast skin is removed.

There are four ways the procedure can be performed. Depending on the extent of the breast lift you need, your doctor will choose one of the following options:

  • Anchor: 3 basic incisions, one around the areola, one vertical to the breast crease, and one horizontal along the breast crease
  • Lollipop: 2 basic incisions, one around the areola and one vertical to the breast crease
  • Periareolar: 1 incision around the areola
  • Crescent: 1 along the top half of the areola

How we approach the breast lift procedure

Our board-certified plastic surgeons are dedicated to achieving your goals through technically advanced procedures. We’ll get to know you, discuss whether you’re a good candidate for the procedure, and explain what you can expect following the procedure. We’ll do everything we can to achieve your goals and if additional procedures are required to achieve them, such as breast augmentation for additional volume, we’ll walk you through that process. Our team will be there to support you throughout your recovery and answer any questions you have.

To schedule an appointment with one of our plastic surgeons and find out if the breast lift is right for you.





Breast Augmentation: Before & After, Procedure, and Recovery

Are you considering increasing the size of your breasts through breast implants or fat grafting? Breast augmentation is a very common plastic surgery procedure chosen by thousands of women each year. The procedure can help improve the symmetry of the breasts, increase size, increase volume, and help a woman achieve the breasts she’s been dreaming of.

About the breast augmentation procedure

Before undergoing your procedure we’ll determine whether an implant or fat-grafting is right for you. The different options are:

  • Fat GraftingThis can be done to achieve a fuller look with a careful injection of fat. In this procedure, fat is injected through very small cannulas leaving minimal evidence of the procedure.
  • Saline Breast Implants: For saline implants, the shell is filled with saline to your desired volume, increasing the shape and size of your breasts with a firmer feel.
  • Silicone Breast Implants: For silicone implants, the implant shell is filled to your desired volume. This type of implant offers a more natural feel.
  • Ideal Breast Implants: Ideal Implants are saline implants that provide a natural feel and youthful look without using silicone gel. Ideal Implants use a series of implant shells nested together and two separate chambers that hold the saline.

During your consultation, we’ll discuss your cosmetic surgery goals and each option as they relate to your goals. For some patients, we even add an additional procedure to achieve their goals. For example, a breast lift or even a tummy tuck can be added so that your recovery time is combined and you can achieve all your goals at one time.

Our experience with breast augmentations

Our board-certified plastic surgeons perform technically advanced surgical procedures to achieve the best possible results for our patients. We aim for your complete satisfaction with your results and will answer any questions you have along the way. Our team will also be there to support you through your breast augmentation recovery, which typically lasts 1-2 weeks.

To schedule a consultation with one of our doctors and discuss your breast augmentation options call 301-215-5955 or fill out our consultation form online.





5 Things to Know About Breast Reduction Surgery

The breast reduction procedure, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a procedure to remove excess breast fat, glandular tissue, and skin to achieve a more proportional breast. The procedure can help alleviate discomfort caused by overly large breasts and help women achieve breasts they feel comfortable with.

The 5 things you should know about breast reduction

  1. The procedure may be covered by insurance– Many women qualify for insurance coverage for their breast reduction if it is for medical reasons, such as stress on the back and neck.
  2. Breast reduction surgery can reduce back and neck pain– Overly large breasts can cause intense pain in the back, neck, and other areas of your body over time. This can end up limiting the patient’s physical activity and cause emotional stress over time. By reducing the size of your breasts and making them match the proportions of your body, the procedure can reduce pain and improve your happiness with your breasts.
  3. Your surgery is meant to cater to your needs– Our doctors will discuss your specific goals with you, whether it’s a large reduction in breast size, a small reduction, or you’re looking to have a reduction and lift. Our main concern is your
  4. Depending on your goals, a breast lift might be right for you– The procedure that is best for you is dependent on several factors. If you like the size of your breasts but want them to appear perkier, a breast lift will probably be best. If the size of your breasts is too large, then you may want to undergo breast reduction. In some cases, patients will undergo both procedures. We’ll discuss if this is right for you during your consultation.
  5. Recovery is typically 1-2 weeks– Recovery time varies from patient to patient but the typical recovery time is 1-2 weeks. Our team is here to support you throughout your recovery during the days and weeks after surgery.

Our experience with breast reduction surgery

At Bruno | Brown we aim to help our patients achieve their goals to improve their physical and emotional happiness. During your consultation, we’ll discuss if you’re a good candidate for breast reduction, what to expect in the days after surgery, and answer any questions you have along the way. We perform technically advanced procedures to achieve the best possible results and are ready to help you find the procedure that’s right for you.

To schedule your plastic surgery consultation for a breast reduction with Bruno | Brown call 301-215-5955 or reach out online.





Breast Lift Before & After: What You Can Expect

Are you one of the many women whose breasts have begun to sag over time due to aging, weight loss, and pregnancy? Over time, breasts lose their elasticity and can begin to sag leaving them looking deflated and you feeling less than confident in your own skin. If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your breasts and ready to make a permanent change, a breast lift might be the right option for you.

Breast Lift in DCThe breast lift procedure explained

The breast lift procedure is meant to enhance your breasts’ shape by giving them a more youthful and perky appearance. In this procedure, incisions are made to the breasts in order to lift the breast and improve the overall contour. After the incisions have been made, the underlying breast tissue is lifted and reshaped, the nipple and areola are repositioned, and any excess breast skin is removed. There are a few ways the procedure can be performed:

  • Anchor: 3 basic incisions, one around the areola, one vertical to the breast crease, and one horizontal along the breast crease
  • Lollipop: 2 basic incisions, one around the areola and one vertical to the breast crease
  • Periareolar: 1 incision around the areola
  • Crescent: 1 along the top half of the areola

This procedure is meant to lift the breasts, but many patients are curious about adding breast volume or even reducing volume. During your consultation with our experienced plastic surgeons, we’ll go through your goals with you to help determine if you’re a good candidate for a lift as well as any additional procedure such as breast augmentation.

The typical breast lift surgery takes roughly 2-3 hours to perform and the recovery, which varies from patient to patient, averages 1-2 weeks.

Our experience with the breast lift procedure

Our doctors are highly trained and perform technically advanced procedures to achieve the best possible results for our patients. We take a holistic approach to plastic surgery and aim to give you the results you desire. We’ll talk through the different procedure options with you and answer any questions you have so you feel confident moving forward.

To schedule a consultation with one of our plastic surgeons and learn more about if a breast lift is right for you call 301-215-5955.





Restore Youthful Looking Breasts With a Breast Lift

If your breasts are looking a little deflated and saggy due to pregnancy, weight loss, or aging, a breast lift may be right for you. In 2020 alone, nearly 90,000 patients opted for a breast lift procedure. The procedure is a great way to restore youthful, perky breasts and can be tailored to your specific needs.

How the breast lift procedure can be tailored to your needs

Breast Lift in DCThe procedure has four basic incision types that are meant to fit your needs:

  • Anchor: 3 basic incisions, one around the areola, one vertical to the breast crease, and one horizontal along the breast crease
  • Lollipop: 2 basic incisions, one around the areola and one vertical to the breast crease
  • Periareolar: 1 incision around the areola
  • Crescent: 1 along the top half of the areola

You can discuss what incision may be needed to achieve your goals during your consultation with Bruno | Brown. We can also discuss any other procedures that may help you achieve your ultimate goals. For example, many women want to not only lift their breasts but also increase the size. We typically recommend that our patients combine procedures, such as a lift and augmentation, so that they can also combine their recovery time and achieve their goals even faster.

Your breast lift consultation with Bruno | Brown

During your consultation, we’ll discuss how the procedure can benefit you and help you achieve your breast goals. We can go through any questions you have about the procedure and discuss any other areas of your body you would like to target.

When you decide you may be ready to undergo a breast lift, finding the right plastic surgeon for your DC breast lift procedure is critical. Our doctors have decades of experience making each and every patient feel beautiful and confident with the latest, technically advanced practices.

To schedule a consultation with Bruno | Brown for a breast lift call 301-215-5955 or click here.





Procedure Options For Your Mommy Makeover

For many moms, your children are your first priority. Being a mom is a full-time job and for many women, it’s difficult to find time for self-care. Proper diet and exercise can help, but for some, it’s not quite enough to get where you want to be. If you’re a busy mom looking to get back to your pre-baby body, a mommy makeover can help.

Mommy MakeoverCommon Procedures Performed During a Mommy Makeover 

  • Tummy tuck– This procedure is great for patients who have excess skin and fat in their midsection that they would like to remove. The tummy tuck procedure you receive can be catered to the extent of excess skin and fat there are. Whether you need a full tummy tuck, a mini, or something in between, we’ll find the right procedure for you.
  • Liposuction– Liposuction can be performed for those who may not need a full tummy tuck or have other areas where they would like to remove excess fat.
  • Breast augmentation– Many women opt for breast augmentation for their mommy makeover as pregnancy and breastfeeding can tend to deflate the volume of your breasts.
  • Breast liftAnother great procedure to improve the look of your breasts is a breast lift. If your breasts are feeling a bit saggy a lift and/or augmentation may be right for you.
  • Brazilian butt lift– The Brazilian butt lift allows you to take fat from one area of your body and put it into your butt to increase its size and give it a rounder, perkier look. Pregnancy can not only affect your breasts but can even leave your butt looking a bit deflated. Whether you’re trying to get back the bum you once had or give yourself the bum you’ve always wanted a Brazilian butt lift can help.

How We Determine What Procedures Are Right for Your Mommy Makeover

During your consultation, we can talk through the areas you would like to target and your ultimate goals for your body. The procedure is meant to be tailored to your specific needs and we can help you determine what procedures will benefit you most.

To schedule your consultation and learn more about your mommy makeover procedure options call 301-215-5955 or click here.