The “Gummy Bear” Implant – by Dr. C. Coleman Brown

We are very fortunate today in the breast implant world. For the first time in decades, we have at our disposal a litany of choices for our enhancement and reconstructive patients. The FDA has finally approved the use of anatomically shaped form-stable silicone breast implants or, what many refer to as the “gummy bear” implant. No, not the like the popular sweet treat we all know and love.  In the past 10 years alone we have seen the expansion of the implant line go from just using all types of saline (silicone only for cancer/reconstructive patients) to using all types of saline and only round silicone to using all types of saline, round and now shaped silicone implants. All our patients, cosmetic and reconstructive alike will benefit from this advancement.

When discussing cosmetic enhancement options, patients can choose between a more natural gradually sloping breast shape or perhaps a more superiorly full rounded shape. Of course, during a consultation, the best choice for a patient’s needs is determined based on desire, anatomy and a discussion with their physician. 

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