Liposuction is a procedure in which fat is removed to slim and reshape specific areas of the body. Patients often have many questions about getting liposuction done, and it’s important to understand everything about the surgery before having it done.
What are the Benefits of Liposuction in Washington, DC?
Having liposuction done can come with a wide range of benefits for you and your body.
There are three different types of liposuction which can all provide different outcomes for your body.
- Traditional tumescent liposuction
- Body-Tite or SmartLipo
- Power-assisted liposuction
Consulting with your plastic surgeon about your target area(s) for fat removal, your skin elasticity, and your lifestyle and activity levels will be crucial in determining which procedure is right for you.
What are the Different Areas Liposuction Can Treat?
Liposuction can be completed in areas such as:
- Abdomen
- Ankles
- Arms
- Buttocks
- Cheeks
- Chin
- Hips
- Knees
- Neck
- Thighs
- Waist
During your consultation, Bruno | Brown’s Board Certified DC plastic surgeons can help you to determine which area of liposuction fits your body needs the best.
Is Liposuction in Washington, DC Safe?
Liposuction can be done safely if you are using a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon for your procedure. A board-certified plastic surgeon will know how to properly conduct a consultation, help you choose the right surgery, and assist you with your anesthetic choices. Below, Dr. Brown dives deeper into anesthesia and safety during a liposuction procedure.
Check Out Our Patient Testimonials
“My in-office lipo results are incredible. I’m thrilled to have banished the saddlebags at last and added some balance to my body shape. I could not be happier.”
— Jennifer P.
“Thank you very much for a superb job on my mom, and most importantly, for coming to the hospital late at night to see my mom for a post-op check. She is extremely pleased with your care, service, and personal attention. You made me look good by recommending you to her.”
— Reza
“You need to know that what you do makes a profound difference in a person’s life. I will never be able to adequately express my gratitude for what you have done for me. Rest assured that I am and will always be eternally grateful for the difference you have made in my life. From my heart, I thank you.”
— Anonymous
Ready to contour that body? Call Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery at (301) 215-5955 or schedule a Washington, DC liposuction consultation.