Washington DC Facelift vs Deep Plane Facelift

The Difference Between a Facelift and a Deep Plane Facelift in DC

Facelift beforeAs we age, our skin becomes less structured. Because of this laxity, we notice more sagging and drooping, especially in the face. Jowling occurs when the face loses elastin and collagen, creating excess skin around the jawline and chin. The lack of tightness in the skin can makes us appear older.

A facelift is a surgical procedure that aims to help your face regain firmness. The procedure combines surgical and non-invasive techniques to reduce the signs of aging and reshape your facial features for a natural, youthful appearance. Depending on your situation and desired outcome, you may be fit for a facelift, mid-facelift, deep plane facelift, brow lift, or just a neck lift.

Each patient is different and has anatomy that requires a personalized approach. That’s why it’s vital to have a consultation with one of our doctors to discuss your lifestyle, concerns, problem areas, and goals.

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What is a Facelift?Facelift after

A facelift is a facial procedure that aims to reduce overall laxity and loss of structure in the face and neck region. This procedure is beneficial for those who experience dissent of the cheek area, excess skin around the jaw or chin, and/or drooping in the upper face region.

Getting a Facelift in Washington DC

Incisions for this procedure are located in the hairline, along the tragus, beneath the earlobe, behind the ear, and back into the hairline. They are relatively easy to conceal and tend to heal quickly.

What is a Mid-Facelift?

A mid-facelift is a type of facelift that focuses on the middle regions of the face. This may be beneficial for patients of any age who experience dissent or lack of fullness in the cheek area, without concern of the upper face.

Getting a Mid-Facelift in Washington DC

This procedure involves one incision in the hairline and one incision in the mouth. Once incisions are made, the cheek tissue can be lifted up. Incisions may take around 2 weeks to heal but are easily concealed.

What is a Deep Plane Facelift?

A deep plane facelift is a type of facelift that aims to reduce tension with scarring. This may be beneficial for patients who want overall improvement in their skin laxity and a longer lasting result.

Getting a Deep Plane Facelift in Washington DC

This procedure works by creating a fascial flap underneath the skin, releasing all tension, and lifting the skin and muscle. The lack of tension allows incision scars to heal thin and discreet. Results from this procedure are longer lasting due to lifting the entire fascia rather than just the skin.

What is a Brow Lift?

An endoscopic brow lift is a type of facelift procedure that focuses on the forehead, brow, and eyelid region. This may be beneficial for those who have heavy brows, brows that sit lower on their face, fullness in the eyelid, or overall sagging in the upper face.

Getting a Brow Lift in Washington DC

Incisions are made in the hairline to release and suspend the tissue, lifting the brows without creating a “pulled” appearance.

What is a Neck Lift?

A neck lift is in the same family as a facelift but specifically focuses on laxity within the neck region. This may be beneficial for someone who feels as though their neck is aging faster than their face, for someone who has always had excess skin in the neck regardless of age, or for someone who isn’t ready to commit to a full facelift.

Getting a Neck Lift in Washington DC

This procedure requires minimal incision points including one just below the chin and, in some cases, behind the ear. Once the incisions are made, the neck muscle is dissected and tightened.

If you’re interested in any kind of facelift procedure, schedule a consultation today!

Age Defying Procedures: Neck Lifts, Facelifts, Browlifts, and Forehead Lifts

Defy Time at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery with Neck Lifts, Facelifts, Browlifts, and Forehead Lifts in Chevy Chase, MD

We spend our lives looking at each other’s faces and studying our own. Because of this, we notice some of the first signs of aging in our face. This could be wrinkles, hollowness, discoloration, sagging skin, or more, which may make you appear older than you actually are. When performing any sort of surgical lift on the face, you are able to rewind the clock.

Neck lifts, facelifts, browlifts, and forehead lifts all help to reduce the most common signs of aging by tightening the skin. By doing this, the skin appears fuller, more youthful, and smoother. Depending on your situation, you may only need one small adjustment to bring a world of difference. Continue reading to learn about the benefits of each one.

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Neck Lifts

A neck lift is a surgical procedure specific to the neck and jawline to reduce the signs of aging. This procedure is common for people who don’t necessarily have problems area on the face itself but experience fullness in the neck, lack of jawline definition, or extra skin.

Neck lift recoveries often take about 2 to 3 weeks. You will notice swelling and bruising start to subside around 2 weeks and you will begin to resume normal activity around 3 weeks.

If you’re interested in more information about getting a neck lift in Chevy Chase, MD, schedule a consultation today.


A facelift is a surgical procedure on the face and neck region to reduce the signs of aging. These signs may include:

  • Relaxation of the skin of the face causing sagging
  • Deepening of the fold lines between the nose and corner of the mouth
  • Fat that has fallen or disappeared
  • Jowls development
  • Loose skin and excess fat resulting in a double chin or “turkey neck”

During your consultation, you and your doctor will discuss your current situation and desired outcome. From this, your doctor will decide if you need a full face lift or a mid-facelift.

Mid-facelifts are performed when the patient is experiencing dissent of the cheek area with little to no problem around the upper face region. Incisions are placed in the hairline and inside the cheek to pull the tissue up and regain fullness. The incisions will take about 2 weeks to heal but are easily concealed. Fullness will be more aggressive immediately after surgery but will subside as you recover. This procedure is appropriate for many different patients regardless of age.

Facelifts are a combination of many different “lifting” procedures to give you the overall refreshed look. Multiple areas may be addressed at once which can make the recovery process slightly longer. More incisions may be involved but are easily concealed.

If you’re interested in more information about getting a mid-face or facelift in Chevy Chase, MD, schedule a consultation today.

Forehead and Brow lifts

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, concentrates on the eyebrows specifically to reduce the signs of aging. Despite focusing on the brow, many patients see improvements to the upper eyelid, crow’s feet, and forehead as well. Benefits of this procedure include:

  • Reduces the wrinkle lines that develop horizontally across the forehead, as well as those that occur on the bridge of the nose, between the eyes
  • Improves frown lines, the vertical creases that develop between the eyebrows
  • Raises sagging brows that are hooding the upper eyelids
  • Places the eyebrows in an alert and youthful position

It’s important to have a discussion with your doctor about what is bothering you. You may feel as though your eyelids are the problem when you might just need your brow lifted to relieve the heaviness affecting the eyelid. If you’re interested in more information about getting a brow lift in Chevy Chase, MD, schedule a consultation today.

Visit our website or schedule a consultation to learn more about getting an age defying procedure in Chevy Chase, M!