Am I too young for a facelift? Everything you need to know about facelifts

Am I too young for a facelift? Answering all your questions about this popular procedure

When deciding if you’re eligible for a facelift, your doctor will consider multiple factors including your age, skin condition, overall health, and specific goals. While there’s no strict age limit for a facelift, it’s generally recommended to individuals in their 40s to 60s. These patients experience the most visible signs of aging such as sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and loss of facial volume.

However, some younger individuals in their 30s or even late 20s may consider a facelift if they have significant concerns about premature aging or genetic factors that contribute to early facial laxity. It’s essential to consult with an experienced plastic surgeon who can assess your individual case, discuss your goals, and recommend the most suitable treatment options. They may also suggest non-surgical alternatives like injectables, laser treatments, or skin tightening procedures depending on your needs.

The difference in the neck after a face and neck lift

What is the average age of patients who consider getting a facelift?

The average age of patients who consider a facelift typically ranges from the late 40s to the early 60s. However, it’s important to note that this age range can vary widely based on individual factors such as genetics, lifestyle, sun exposure, and skin condition.

Here’s a general breakdown of age groups and their considerations for facelifts:

  1. Late 30s to Early 40s: Some individuals may start noticing early signs of aging during this period, such as fine lines, mild sagging, or loss of skin elasticity. While a full facelift may not be necessary just yet, non-surgical treatments like injectables or minimally invasive procedures can be effective in rejuvenating the skin and delaying the need for surgery. This could include Botox, dermal fillers, laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion, and more.
  2. Late 40s to Early 50s: This age range is when many people start considering a facelift more seriously, and may consider partial facelifts like mid-facelifts, brow lifts, or neck lifts. Visible signs of aging become more apparent, such as deeper wrinkles, noticeable sagging of facial tissues, and loss of volume. A facelift can address these concerns by tightening loose skin, lifting facial muscles, and restoring a more youthful appearance.
  3. Mid-50s to Early 60s: This is a common age group for the facelift procedure. By this time, age-related changes in the face are usually more pronounced, such as jowls, neck laxity, and deep creases. A facelift can provide significant improvement in these areas, helping individuals achieve a more refreshed and rejuvenated look.
  4. Late 60s and Beyond: While some individuals in their late 60s and beyond may still benefit from a facelift, the decision to undergo surgery should be carefully evaluated based on overall health, skin condition, and desired outcomes. In some cases, non-surgical treatments or less invasive procedures may be recommended to address specific concerns.

What are the most common concerns of patients who get a facelift?

Patients considering a facelift typically have several common concerns that they hope the procedure will address. Some of the most frequent concerns include:

  • Sagging skin
  • Deep wrinkles and folds
  • Jowls and lack of jawline definition
  • Neck laxity
  • Loss of facial volume
  • Overall facial rejuvenation
  • Desire for natural-looking results

Am I a good candidate for a facelift?

To determine if you are a good candidate for a facelift, several factors need to be considered. These factors include your age, overall health, skin condition, expectations, and specific concerns you want to address. Having an open and honest consultation with your plastic surgeon is crucial in order to facilitate the best possible outcome.

What type of facelift technique will be used?

Your doctor will determine what type of facelift technique will be used during your consultation depending on several factors including your specific concerns, facial anatomy, skin condition, and desired outcomes. Types of facelifts include:

  • Deep plane facelift
  • Mid-facelift
  • Brow lift
  • Neck lift

What can I expect during the facelift procedure?

  1. Preparation: You will be given anesthesia to ensure you are comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure. The type of anesthesia will be determined based on your surgeon’s recommendation and your medical history.
  2. Incision Placement: The surgeon will make strategic incisions based on the chosen facelift technique. Incisions are typically placed in discreet locations, such as along the hairline, around the ears, and possibly under the chin or jawline, depending on the extent of correction needed.
  3. Tissue Dissection: The surgeon will lift and separate the skin from the underlying facial tissues. This step allows access to the deeper layers for tissue manipulation and lifting.
  4. Tissue Repositioning and Tightening: The surgeon will reposition and tighten the underlying tissues. This lifting action helps address sagging and restores a more youthful facial contour. Excess fat may also be removed or redistributed as needed.
  5. Skin Redraping and Excision: The skin is redraped over the newly contoured facial structure. Excess skin is trimmed, and the remaining skin is carefully sutured or secured in place with technique that results in thin, discreet scarring.
  6. Closure and Dressing: The incisions are closed using sutures or skin adhesives. Dressings or bandages may be applied to protect the incisions and minimize swelling.
  7. Recovery and Post-Operative Care: You will be closely monitored as you wake up from anesthesia and transferred to a recovery area. Your surgeon will provide detailed post-operative instructions, including guidelines for wound care, medication management, activity restrictions, and follow-up appointments.

What is the recovery process like?

Patients will experience discomfort, swelling, bruising, and tightness within the days immediately following the procedure. Pain medications and dressings are provided for comfort and healing.

During the next couple of weeks, swelling and bruising will continue to improve and early results of the facelift will start to appear. You may gradually start to resume light activity and work.

The final results will be noticeable after several months to a year post-surgery once swelling has completely subsided. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and skincare is important in order to help your results be long-lasting. Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon are important for monitoring progress.

How long do facelift results last?

The longevity of facelift results can vary from person to person based on factors such as age, skin quality, lifestyle choices, and the specific facelift technique used. In general, facelift results can last for several years and can be maintained with dermal fillers, high quality skin care, and minimally invasive procedures.

Can I see before and after photos of previous patients?

Visit our facelift photo gallery to see before and after results from other patients at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery.

What are the costs involved?

It’s important to consult with our board-certified plastic surgeons to obtain a personalized cost estimate for your facelift procedure. During your consultation, your surgeon will evaluate your specific concerns, discuss your goals, and provide detailed information about the anticipated costs involved. Additionally, you can discuss financing options and payment plans with one of our Treatment Coordinators to help make the procedure more affordable and accessible for you.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Bruno, Dr. Brown. or Dr. Yalamanchili to discuss your specific goals and how a facelift in the DC, Maryland, and Virginia area could help you!

Benefits of Deep Plane Facelifts in Washington, DC

Top reasons why you should consider getting a deep plane facelift in Washington, DC

Feeling like you need a lift? Wanting to give your face a refreshed and youthful look? A deep plane facelift might be exactly what you need. A modern twist on the traditional facelift, the deep plane facelift focuses on seamlessly binding the skin with just enough tension to gently lift the face while preventing harsh pulling.

Why do patients get facelifts?

As we get older, our skin begins to lose the laxity needed to maintain a fresh and youthful appearance. Many patients get facelifts to improve the jowling and droopiness of the skin on their face. Problem areas could include:

  • Fullness of the upper eyelid
  • Drooping lower eyelid, also known as under eye bags
  • Hollowness of the cheek
  • Jowling of the cheek
  • Loose skin on the neck
  • Loss of definition in the jawline
  • Etc.

What are the benefits of a Washington, DC deep plane facelift?

Facelifts are a wonderful solution to the problems listed above, but people are often turned away from the idea because they don’t want to look “botched”. When done wrong, a facelift can create too much tension in the skin and result in a permanently surprised expression.

Here at Bruno | Brown, we take pride in the extensive research and experience we have in facial plastic surgery. Our doctors stay up to date on the latest innovations and techniques in order to deliver the best results for our patients. Drs. Bruno and Brown are both board certified, Chiefs of Plastic Surgery, and award-winning doctors. Dr. Yalamanchili is one of only a handful of surgeons in the nation who has completed a plastic surgery residency as well as a facial plastic surgery fellowship. Her facial plastic and reconstructive surgery fellowship was done at the Lasky Clinic in Beverly Hills, California where she specialized in:

  • Both functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty
  • Deep plane facelift
  • Midface lift
  • Endoscopic browlift

The deep plane facelift is the best technique when improving the skin of the face. During this procedure, the doctor will create a fascial flap underneath the skin. By separating these layers, the skin’s tension is relieved and the skin closure can be made with no harsh pulling. This results in a thin, discreet white line for your scar. The results are long-lasting due to the adjustment of the muscle and skin rather than lifting just the skin.

In summary, benefits of a deep plane facelift in DC include:

  • Overall improvement of the face and neck
  • Long-lasting results
  • Thin, discreet scarring

Interested in seeing how a deep plane facelift could benefit you? Schedule a consultation today!

Washington DC Facelift vs Deep Plane Facelift

The Difference Between a Facelift and a Deep Plane Facelift in DC

Facelift beforeAs we age, our skin becomes less structured. Because of this laxity, we notice more sagging and drooping, especially in the face. Jowling occurs when the face loses elastin and collagen, creating excess skin around the jawline and chin. The lack of tightness in the skin can makes us appear older.

A facelift is a surgical procedure that aims to help your face regain firmness. The procedure combines surgical and non-invasive techniques to reduce the signs of aging and reshape your facial features for a natural, youthful appearance. Depending on your situation and desired outcome, you may be fit for a facelift, mid-facelift, deep plane facelift, brow lift, or just a neck lift.

Each patient is different and has anatomy that requires a personalized approach. That’s why it’s vital to have a consultation with one of our doctors to discuss your lifestyle, concerns, problem areas, and goals.

Welcome to our blog! If you’re looking for facelift before and after photos from our plastic surgeons, please click here.

What is a Facelift?Facelift after

A facelift is a facial procedure that aims to reduce overall laxity and loss of structure in the face and neck region. This procedure is beneficial for those who experience dissent of the cheek area, excess skin around the jaw or chin, and/or drooping in the upper face region.

Getting a Facelift in Washington DC

Incisions for this procedure are located in the hairline, along the tragus, beneath the earlobe, behind the ear, and back into the hairline. They are relatively easy to conceal and tend to heal quickly.

What is a Mid-Facelift?

A mid-facelift is a type of facelift that focuses on the middle regions of the face. This may be beneficial for patients of any age who experience dissent or lack of fullness in the cheek area, without concern of the upper face.

Getting a Mid-Facelift in Washington DC

This procedure involves one incision in the hairline and one incision in the mouth. Once incisions are made, the cheek tissue can be lifted up. Incisions may take around 2 weeks to heal but are easily concealed.

What is a Deep Plane Facelift?

A deep plane facelift is a type of facelift that aims to reduce tension with scarring. This may be beneficial for patients who want overall improvement in their skin laxity and a longer lasting result.

Getting a Deep Plane Facelift in Washington DC

This procedure works by creating a fascial flap underneath the skin, releasing all tension, and lifting the skin and muscle. The lack of tension allows incision scars to heal thin and discreet. Results from this procedure are longer lasting due to lifting the entire fascia rather than just the skin.

What is a Brow Lift?

An endoscopic brow lift is a type of facelift procedure that focuses on the forehead, brow, and eyelid region. This may be beneficial for those who have heavy brows, brows that sit lower on their face, fullness in the eyelid, or overall sagging in the upper face.

Getting a Brow Lift in Washington DC

Incisions are made in the hairline to release and suspend the tissue, lifting the brows without creating a “pulled” appearance.

What is a Neck Lift?

A neck lift is in the same family as a facelift but specifically focuses on laxity within the neck region. This may be beneficial for someone who feels as though their neck is aging faster than their face, for someone who has always had excess skin in the neck regardless of age, or for someone who isn’t ready to commit to a full facelift.

Getting a Neck Lift in Washington DC

This procedure requires minimal incision points including one just below the chin and, in some cases, behind the ear. Once the incisions are made, the neck muscle is dissected and tightened.

If you’re interested in any kind of facelift procedure, schedule a consultation today!

Facelift vs. Fillers: Which is the Best Choice for a Youthful Appearance?

Are you looking for a solution to combat the signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin? Two popular cosmetic procedures are facelifts and fillers.

How do you decide which option is right for you? We’ll compare and contrast facelifts vs. fillers to help you make an informed decision.

Facelift: The Ultimate Solution for Deep Wrinkles and Sagging Skin

A facelift procedure is a surgery that combines surgical and non-invasive techniques to give you that snatched, supple face you had when you were young. Facelifts were the third most popular cosmetic procedure in 2020, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. A facelift often combines a variety of different techniques and procedures into one. To get the perfect youthful skin you once had, you will have to have a consultation to figure out the perfect facelift surgery for you.

Facelift Benefits:
Facelift results can make you appear 12 years younger! Here are just some of the benefits:Before and after Facelift

  • Targets lose or sagging skin
  • Erases fold lines
  • Gets rid of fat that has fallen
  • Chisels your jawline
  • Can help with double chins

Facelift Risks:
Like every surgical procedure, facelifts can cause complications. This is why we recommend board-certified plastic surgeons. Facelift risks include but are not limited to:

  • Hematoma
  • Scarring
  • Facial hair loss
  • Skin loss
  • Nerve injury

Before you proceed, all risks should be covered in your consultation with your surgeon.

Fillers: The Non-Surgical Solution for Mild to Moderate Signs of Aging

Fillers are the non-invasive alternative to the surgical facelift procedure. Fillers are small injections to create smoother skin and a fuller appearance.

Benefits of Fillers:Dr. Bruno giving facial fillers
Fillers have a smooth and youthful effect on your skin. Some of the benefits of dermal fillers include:

  • Fuller wrinkles
  • Smooth lines on the skin
  • Restore volume to your face

Risks of Fillers:
Filler injections can have risks that you need to consider; some of these include:

  • Asymmetry
  • Eruption of acne
  • Bruising, scarring, wounds
  • Infection
  • Lumps
  • Skin irritation

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Facelifts vs. Fillers

Both facelifts and fillers are effective ways to get that gorgeous youthful skin back to its prime. There are several factors to consider when deciding between a facelift and fillers, including:

  • A facelift will last longer than fillers. Face fillers are injections, similar to Botox; you will have to continue to go back to the doctor to continue to maintain that look.
  • Facelift is a surgical procedure. A facelift takes about 3 to 5 hours with a recovery time of 2 to 3 weeks. While fillers take 20 to 30 minutes and there is no recovery time.
  • Face fillers do not target the elasticity of the skin. In a facelift, you get the added benefit of getting rid of excess fat and sagging skin, which fillers do not address.

If you’re considering a facelift or fillers, schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discover your best anti-aging solution today.

Should I Get A Facelift In DC?

Wondering if you are a good candidate for a facelift? Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery is here to assist you with any and all questions you have regarding the procedure and provide you with information on what a facelift may entail.

facelift, DC, before and after

DC Facelift Techniques

We all know that the aging process can make us look a lot older than we feel. That is why facelifts provide an option to fight back against the process of aging with a procedure that can make you look younger!

A facelift procedure combines non-invasive and surgical techniques to reduce the signs of aging and reshape your facial features for a natural, more youthful appearance.

What Does A Facelift In DC Include?

The DC facelift procedure combines several different procedures. Dr. Bruno and or Dr. Brown, will determine which procedures will best suit your unique needs/goals.

Together, you and our doctor can decide how to best proceed. We aim to help refine your appearance and help you look and feel better.

During your consultation with our doctors, you may discuss:

  • Facial symmetry
  • Facial harmony
  • Excess skin around the neck and chin area
  • Lifestyle
  • Skin elasticity

A facelift procedure may include a few different techniques. Although many techniques can be used during the process, this will depend on what exactly your concern is.

The primary techniques can include a full facelift, a mid-facelift, a lower facelift, and a neck lift:

  • A full facelift includes adjustments to the whole facial region; this means adjustments from the neck up to the eyes
  • A mid-facelift will focus primarily on the cheeks and adjacent areas
  • A lower facelift will be around the mid and lower face region, it is often preferred by those just beginning to experience the signs of aging
  • A neck lift will address the neck bands and excess skin that may be below the jawline

During your consultation with our doctors, we will discuss the best combination of options to ensure you achieve your facial rejuvenation goals.

How To Know If You Need A Facelift In DC

If you feel that your daily regimen of anti-aging creams or non-surgical options like Botox isn’t making a difference anymore, it could be time to consider a DC facelift with our top DC plastic surgeons at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery.

A facelift can also remove excess skin if you have sagging skin around the neck or chin area.

Good candidates for facelifts are individuals who are in overall good health, have realistic expectations for their desired goals/appearance, generally have healthy skin with good elasticity, are non-smokers, or are willing to quit smoking before and during the recovery of the procedure.

DC Facelift Recovery & Results

After your procedure, you can expect soreness and or tightness around the areas of your face that were targeted.

During your consultation, our doctors, Dr. Bruno and or Dr. Brown, will discuss the recovery period in detail. They can answer any specific questions and provide directions for your recovery that you’ll need to be aware of.

Typically, after two or three weeks a patient has fully recovered with minimal swelling. Incisions aren’t typically noticeable as they’re hidden in places like your hairline.

Each patient’s DC facelift will heal differently and may have varying effects.

Visit our practice for your DC facelift consultation.

What You Need To Know Before Getting A Facelift In DC

Why Should I Consider A Facelift In DC?

As we get older, the aging process can make us look older than we feel. 

DC Facelift, before and after

A facelift is a surgical procedure that combines both non-invasive and surgical techniques to reduce the signs of aging for both men and women. It works to reshape your facial features for natural results and a youthful appearance.

During your facelift, you may discuss the following with your DC surgeon:

  • Your facial symmetry
  • Your facial harmony
  • Any excess skin around the neck and chin area
  • Your lifestyle
  • Your skin elasticity

What To Consider Before Your Facelift In DC

When getting a facelift, you are actually getting a combination of different procedures. Our DC doctors’ preference is for non-invasive techniques, and we will help determine which procedures will best suit your needs.

Together, you and your doctor will decide how to best proceed to achieve a more youthful and refined appearance to help you look and feel better.

We understand that finding the right plastic surgeons for your DC facelift is vital. That’s why Dr. Bruno and Dr. Brown work to make every patient feel confident with the latest and most innovative practices.

At our practice, we also offer other facial procedures such as:

  • Brow lifts
  • Check argumentation
  • Eyelid surgery
  • Rhinoplasties
  • Ear pinning

We don’t just focus on the face but the whole body. Other procedures we offer include:

  • Breast augmentation
  • Liposuction
  • Tummy tucks
  • Mommy makeovers
  • and much more!

Different Types of Facelifts We Offer In DC

Many techniques can be used during the facelift procedure process. This will be dependent on what you want, your concerns, and direction from our doctors.

The primary techniques are a full facelift, a mid-facelift, a lower facelift, and a neck lift.

  • A full facelift includes adjustments to the whole facial region. This means adjustments from the neck to the eyes.
  • For a mid-facelift, the primary focus is on the appearance of the cheeks and adjacent areas.
  • A lower facelift is focused on the mid and lower areas of the face. This is often preferred by patients just beginning to experience the signs of aging.
  • Lastly, we have neck lifts. This type of facial plastic surgery addresses the neckbands and excess skin below the jawline.

During your initial consultation with Dr. Bruno or Dr. Brown, we will discuss the best combination of options to ensure you achieve your facial rejuvenation goals.

What Is The Recovery Process Like After A DC Facelift?

There will be a recovery process following a facelift or a neck lift. Every patient will heal differently; however, you can expect soreness and tightness around the areas of your face that were operated on.

During your consultation, our doctors will be sure to discuss the recovery period in detail. Dr. Bruno and Dr. Brown can answer any questions or concerns you may have about the recovery process and give any specific directions you’ll need to be aware of.

Typically, a patient has fully recovered after two or three weeks with minimal swelling. Incisions aren’t typically noticeable as they’re hidden in places like the hairline.

If you’re considering a facelift in DC, contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Dr. Brown Named 2021 Top Doctor by Washingtonian Magazine

Dr. Brown named 2021 Top Doctor by Washingtonian Magazine

Dr. Brown was recognized as a Top Doctor for 2021 by Washingtonian Magazine!

Make sure to grab a copy and read the feature. Congratulations, Dr. Brown!

Read Dr. Brown’s bio here >

See all of our Awards & Press here >

Facelift in Washington, DC: Your Commonly Asked Questions, Answered

Facelift in Washington DCAddressing the signs of aging can be done in various ways. With a surgical facelift in Washington, DC, men and women can achieve a more youthful and harmonious appearance. With all of the surgical and non-surgical procedures out there it’s important to understand the most commonly asked questions about this procedure to decide if this is the right option for you.

Why Should I Consider the Facelift Procedure in Washington, DC?

The facelift procedure combines surgical and non-invasive techniques to help reshape undesirable facial features. It  removes excess skin to create a firmer and more youthful appearance.

What Is It Like During the Procedure?

Many techniques can be used during the process depending on exactly what your concern is.

The primary options are:

  • Full Facelift: adjustments to the whole facial region, from the neck up to the forehead
  • Mid Facelift: primarily focused on the appearance of the cheeks and adjacent areas
  • Lower Facelift: concerning the mid and lower face region, often preferred by those just beginning to experience the signs of aging
  • Necklift: predominately addresses the neck bands and excess skin below the jawline

What are the Benefits of A DC Facelift?

Overall the procedure will help reduce the signs of aging that creams and other procedures may not be able to address.

Here are other top benefits of a facelift:

  • Increases harmony and symmetry of facial features
  • Reduces appearance of jowls
  • Raises the appearance of drooping cheeks
  • Smooths of the folds between the nose, around the mouth, towards the chin
  • Lifts the skin and fat beneath the chin and neck

Am I A Good Candidate for A Facelift in Washington, DC?

Candidates for this procedure are in good overall health, have realistic expectations about the procedure and their appearance, are non-smokers, and have generally healthy skin.

Read more commonly asked questions here.

In your complimentary consultation, the doctors at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery will work with you to determine which combination of facelift procedures will best suit your needs and lifestyle. Together, you and your doctor will decide how to best proceed to get you the youthful, refined appearance to help you look and feel better.

If you’re considering a facelift in Washington DC, contact us today to schedule a consultation.