Breast Reduction, Breast Lift, and Breast Implants in Chevy Chase, MD

Thinking About Enhancing Your Breasts? Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery Can Help!

Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery understands how important it is to feel comfortable and confident in your own skin. That’s why we provide breast reductions, breast lifts, breast implants and more. Whether you want to downsize, reshape, or enlarge, our doctors will help you achieve your goal.

Welcome to our blog! If you’re looking for breast enhancement before and after photos, please click here.

What to Expect When Exploring Breast Enhancement in Chevy Chase

In order to effectively treat you, you will have a consultation with one of our doctors. During this, they will assess your current situation and discuss your goals. Clearly defining where you are and where you want to go will help choose the right procedure for you.

Listed below are some factors to consider for each procedure:

Breast Reduction Considerations

  • Reducing the size of the breasts
  • Reshaping the breasts
  • Placement of the nipple and areola Dr. Bruno and Dr. Brown preforming Breast Implant Exchange
  • Incision options
  • Lifestyle and activity levels

Breast Lift Considerations

  • Breast shape
  • Breast position
  • Skin elasticity
  • Increasing volume and size with a breast implant
  • Incision type
  • Lifestyle and activity levels

Breast Implant Considerations

  • Implant vs. Fat grafting
  • Implant material (saline or silicone)
  • Implant size
  • Implant profile
  • Implant placement (above or below pectoral muscle)
  • Lifestyle and activity levels
  • Skin elasticity

Getting a Breast Reduction in Chevy Chase

Oversized breasts can create obstacles in your everyday life. These obstacles make it difficult to do simple tasks such as finding proper clothing, completing household chores, or exercising. Many women who have large breasts suffer from physical pain and self-confidence issues. Breast reduction can alleviate pain or discomfort by reducing the weight of your breasts and reshaping them to achieve your body goals. Our board-certified plastic surgeons will work with you to determine how breast reduction surgery can improve your confidence and quality of life.

In this surgery, excess skin, fat, and tissue are removed in order to achieve both a reduced size and a desired shape. The breast is also lifted during this procedure.

It’s common to feel sore and sensitive for a few days after the procedure. Pain medication is often used only for a few days following the procedure. Recovery can vary depending on how the individual heals, but most can return to regular activity after a week. You can return to exercise after you are fully healed and swelling has dissipated.

For more breast reduction before and after photos, please click here.

Breast reduction beforeBreast reduction afterBreast reduction beforeBreast reduction after





Getting a Breast Lift in Chevy Chase

A breast lift lifts and enhances your breasts for a more youthful and perkier appearance. If you feel that the appearance of your breasts has changed overtime, fight aging with a breast lift. To help women achieve maximum satisfaction with their appearance, our doctors focus on a holistic approach to breast procedures. Your doctor will work with you to determine if the breast lift procedure will achieve your desired look and will suit your lifestyle.

In this procedure, incisions are made to sagging or droopy breasts in order to lift the breast and improve the contour. After the incisions are made, the underlying breast tissue is lifted and reshaped, the nipple and areola are repositioned, and any excess breast skin is removed. There are four different types of breast lift incision. The doctors will work with you to evaluate which type of breast lift incision will best suit your needs.

The four basic options are:

  • Anchor: 3 basic incisions, one around the areola, one vertical to the breast crease, and one horizontal along the breast crease
  • Lollipop: 2 basic incisions, one around the areola and one vertical to the breast crease
  • Periareolar: 1 incision around the areola
  • Crescent: 1 along the top half of the areola

Recovery time is between 1-2 weeks following the procedure. It can vary depending on how the individual heals, but most can return to regular activity after a week and exercise once you’re fully healed.

For more breast lift before and after photos, please click here.

Breast Lift BeforeBreast LiftBreast LiftBreast Lift






Getting Breast Implants in Chevy Chase

Breast augmentation provides women with an enhanced figure by resizing and reshaping the breast to achieve a fuller look. Every woman is different so we take a holistic approach to achieving your desired look. During your consultation, we will work closely with you to determine whether a breast implant or fat grafting can best help you achieve the ideal shape and size of your breast.

In the procedure, either saline, silicone, Ideal implants, or fat are used to reshape and contour the breasts. Incisions are made either around the areola, below the breast, or in the underarm in order to achieve the desired shape, size, and lift. There is slight variation in size availability for saline and silicone breast implants, but in general breast implant volumes range from about 120cc to 800cc.

It’s also important to keep in mind your skin elasticity so if you are prone to stretch marks your results may be best if you choose implants that won’t put more stress than necessary on the skin. In addition to volume, there is breast implant projection. The options include low, low plus, moderate, full, and extra full.

Immediately after the procedure, we will provide you with a supportive surgical bra to help control swelling. Typically breast augmentation recovery time is between 1-2 weeks after the procedure. It can vary depending on how the individual heals, but most can return to regular activity after a week and exercise after you’re fully healed.

For more breast implant before and after photos, please click here.

DC Breast AugmentationDC Breast AugmentationDC Breast AugmentationDC Breast Augmentation



Interested in breast enhancement? Schedule your consultation today (301) 215-5955

Getting a Breast Reduction in Chevy Chase, MD

Getting a breast reduction in Chevy Chase, MD does not have to be stressful! When you have the right doctor performing your surgery and walking you through the process step by step, you will feel comfortable and ready to take on the world.

Top Reasons to Get a Breast Reduction in Chevy Chase, MDBreast Reduction before and after

Getting a breast reduction is not always about physical appearance. A breast reduction can greatly improve quality of life and increase confidence in several situations.

  • Chronic back, neck and shoulder painThis is a common reason many women decide to get a breast reduction. The back, neck and shoulder pain can start to become unbearable over the years and a breast reduction can provide relief.
  • Chronic rash or skin irritation under breasts: No one likes an itchy and uncomfortable rash, especially under their breasts. And when it’s consistent it’s even worse.
  • Nerve pain: With a larger chest comes more weight, which can result in the shoulders rolling forward causing compression in the thoracic outlet. This can cause upper back nerve pain that can be very uncomfortable.
  • Restricted activity: No one wants to be restricted by their own body. If you’re experiencing restricted activities due to breast size, this surgery could make a world of difference in your everyday life.

How we determine if a breast reduction is the right procedure for you

During your consultation, we will talk about your goals, why you want the procedure, and your lifestyle to determine procedure options. We will also perform an examination to see what may work best for you. We will talk through your options and answer any questions you have about the procedure, recovery, and what your next steps are. Our highly trained doctors are dedicated to providing the best possible result for you through technically advanced procedures and are here to support you through your journey.

To learn more about if a breast reduction procedure is right for you, schedule a consultation with Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery today by calling (301) 215-5955.

Dr. Brown Named 2021 Top Doctor by Washingtonian Magazine

Dr. Brown named 2021 Top Doctor by Washingtonian Magazine

Dr. Brown was recognized as a Top Doctor for 2021 by Washingtonian Magazine!

Make sure to grab a copy and read the feature. Congratulations, Dr. Brown!

Read Dr. Brown’s bio here >

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5 Things to Know About Breast Reduction Surgery

The breast reduction procedure, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a procedure to remove excess breast fat, glandular tissue, and skin to achieve a more proportional breast. The procedure can help alleviate discomfort caused by overly large breasts and help women achieve breasts they feel comfortable with.

The 5 things you should know about breast reduction

  1. The procedure may be covered by insurance– Many women qualify for insurance coverage for their breast reduction if it is for medical reasons, such as stress on the back and neck.
  2. Breast reduction surgery can reduce back and neck pain– Overly large breasts can cause intense pain in the back, neck, and other areas of your body over time. This can end up limiting the patient’s physical activity and cause emotional stress over time. By reducing the size of your breasts and making them match the proportions of your body, the procedure can reduce pain and improve your happiness with your breasts.
  3. Your surgery is meant to cater to your needs– Our doctors will discuss your specific goals with you, whether it’s a large reduction in breast size, a small reduction, or you’re looking to have a reduction and lift. Our main concern is your
  4. Depending on your goals, a breast lift might be right for you– The procedure that is best for you is dependent on several factors. If you like the size of your breasts but want them to appear perkier, a breast lift will probably be best. If the size of your breasts is too large, then you may want to undergo breast reduction. In some cases, patients will undergo both procedures. We’ll discuss if this is right for you during your consultation.
  5. Recovery is typically 1-2 weeks– Recovery time varies from patient to patient but the typical recovery time is 1-2 weeks. Our team is here to support you throughout your recovery during the days and weeks after surgery.

Our experience with breast reduction surgery

At Bruno | Brown we aim to help our patients achieve their goals to improve their physical and emotional happiness. During your consultation, we’ll discuss if you’re a good candidate for breast reduction, what to expect in the days after surgery, and answer any questions you have along the way. We perform technically advanced procedures to achieve the best possible results and are ready to help you find the procedure that’s right for you.

To schedule your plastic surgery consultation for a breast reduction with Bruno | Brown call 301-215-5955 or reach out online.





Is My Breast Reduction Covered By Insurance?

Breast ReductionIf you’re one of the thousands of women who suffer from overdeveloped and painful breasts, a breast reduction may be able to help. Whether you’ve done your research into the procedure or you’re just getting started in your research process, the doctors at Bruno Brown are here to help.

What to know about the breast reduction procedure

  • The procedure may be covered by insurance– One thing that holds many patients back from undergoing plastic surgery is a concern with pricing, but many patients’ breast reductions are covered by insurance. For patients who have suffered back issues, painful marks left behind from bra straps, or other negative effects on their health, the procedure may be covered by insurance.
  • The procedure is meant to be tailored to you– Not every patient has the same goals and we keep that in mind when discussing procedures. Whether you’re looking for a slight reduction, major reduction, or reduction and lift we can help you achieve your specific goals.
  • There are several benefits– The breast reduction benefits include the improved appearance of your breasts, the ability to be more physically active, reduction in neck and back pain in many cases, and boosted self-confidence in many patients.

What we will discuss during your consultation for a breast reduction

During your consultation, we will evaluate your breasts and talk through why you want to undergo the procedure. We’ll take your concerns into account and discuss options with you. Our doctors will also answer any questions you have about the procedure, recovery time, and the results you can expect. We perform technically advanced procedures to achieve the best possible result for our patients and aim for your complete satisfaction.

To schedule a consultation and learn more about if the breast reduction procedure is right for you call 301-215-5955 or click here.





3 Surprising Facts About Breast Reductions

Breast ReductionThe breast reduction procedure is extremely common among women who suffer from overdeveloped breasts that often cause back and neck pain. The procedure was performed 46,340 times in 2019 alone according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. But, despite the popularity of this procedure, there are a few facts that you may not be aware of.

The 3 facts about breast reductions that may surprise you

  1. The procedure can offer you more mobility– Many women who have overdeveloped breasts have a hard time participating in certain physical activities such as running and consistent back and neck pain can make it difficult to be as active as they want. Many patients report an increase in mobility following their procedure.
  2. A breast reduction can be combined with other procedures– Some patients want to combine their breast reduction with a breast lift, tummy tuck, liposuction, and more. The procedure can certainly be combined with others and we recommend that patients undergo these procedures at once as it allows them to combine recovery times and achieve their desired look faster.
  3. Your insurance may cover the cost of your breast reduction– For some patients, their procedure is covered by insurance as it reduces the stress on your neck and back which can lead to bigger problems down the line. Contact your insurance to learn more.

How we determine if a breast reduction is the right procedure for you

During your consultation, we’ll talk about your goals, why you want the procedure, and your lifestyle to determine procedure options. We’ll also perform an examination to see what may work best for you. We’ll talk through your options and answer any questions you have about the procedure, recovery, and what your next steps are. Our highly trained doctors are dedicated to providing the best possible result for you through technically advanced procedures and are here to support you through your journey.

To learn more about if a breast reduction procedure is right for you, schedule a consultation with Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery today.





Breast Reduction FAQs Answered

Breast Reduction in DCIf you have oversized breasts that are uncomfortable and leave you feeling less than confident in your appearance, a breast reduction may be right for you. You’ve likely heard of a breast reduction and have a general idea of the procedure, but even if you know of the procedure you may have a few questions we can answer.

Breast reduction FAQs

Q: Am I a good candidate for this procedure?

A: Thousands of women have oversized breasts that can give them neck and back pain, make it difficult to participate in physical activity, and make it hard to find clothing that fits properly. We typically recommend this procedure to help with these issues.

Q: Can I combine the procedure with others?

A: Many patients choose to combine their reduction with other procedures such as a breast lift, tummy tuck, or liposuction.

Q: Will my insurance cover the procedure?

A: There have been several cases where a patient’s insurance has covered the breast reduction procedure. This typically applies to patients whose breasts have caused neck and/or back pain which in turn has negatively affected their health. To learn more about if you may be covered, contact your insurance provider.

Your consultation for a breast reduction with Bruno | Brown

During your consultation we’ll discuss your goals for the procedure and why you want to have the procedure. During this time we can discuss the breast reduction procedure as well as any other procedures that may benefit you and help you reach your goals. We’ll also answer any questions you have about the procedure and recovery so you know what to expect beforehand. If you want to learn more about the procedure, give us a call today.

To schedule a consultation with Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery to learn more about if a breast reduction might be right for you call 301-215-5955 or click here.





Breast Reduction Vs. Breast Lift – What’s The Difference?

Many wBreast Reductionomen come to us wanting to improve the appearance of their breasts but aren’t quite sure what procedure is right for them. If you aren’t sure whether you need a breast reduction, breast lift, or even both we can help.

Which breast procedure is right for you?

  • Looking for a boost– If you’re looking to make your breasts a bit perkier, you’re likely a candidate for a lift. The breast lift is meant to help breasts that have become saggy over time by lifting them up and giving them a more youthful look.
  • Looking for less volume– If you suffer from overly large breasts that end up causing you pain and/or make it difficult to find clothes or participate in physical activity a breast reduction may be best. The breast reduction is meant to reduce the volume of your breast and give you a more proportional chest.
  • Looking for a bit of both– Some women want less volume and a boost in which case we may combine procedures to achieve your desired result.
  • Not sure– If you’re not sure exactly what you need but you want to do something to improve your breasts we can assess your breasts along with your goals to find the right procedure or combination of procedures for you.

What we’ll discuss during your breast reduction and/or breast lift consultation

During your breast consultation, we will walk through your goals and the current state of your breasts to come up with the right procedure plan for you. We’ll help you find out if you’re a good candidate for a lift and/or reduction and talk through the specifics of each procedure. We perform technically advanced procedures to achieve the best possible result and aim to give you the breasts you’ve been dreaming of.

To schedule a consultation to learn more about if a breast reduction or breast lift might be right for you call 301-215-5955 or click here.





The 3 Considerations You Should Make Before Undergoing a Breast Lift

Breast Lift in DCWhen it comes to the breasts, there are seemingly endless procedures that can be done to improve their appearance. Whether it’s an augmentation, a lift, or reduction there are several ways that women choose to enhance their breasts when exercise, diet, and clever bra hacks have failed to give them the appearance they desire. If you’re interested in a breast lift and/or augmentation or reduction there are a few considerations you should make.

The 3 considerations you need to make for your breast lift in DC

  1. Your desired look– It’s important to know what you want your end result to be. You may simply want your breasts to have a bit of a boost but also consider if you want to enlarge them or make them smaller in the process. This will help us decide what procedure or procedures will give you your desired result.
  2. Your lifestyle and future plans– A breast lift is a great way to give you a perkier chest that can end up making you look more youthful but consider your plans for the future before undergoing a procedure. For example, if you’re planning on having children in the future, pregnancy can drastically alter the appearance of your breasts. We typically recommend that patients do not plan to become pregnant following their procedure due to the changes in their bodies. This is something you can discuss with your doctor during your consultation.
  3. The benefits– Consider if the benefits line up with your overall goals. Prior to undergoing any cosmetic procedure, we want our patients to fully understand what the procedure involves before they commit to anything. We want to ensure it’s the right procedure for you before we get started so you’ll be completely satisfied with your results.

Your breast lift consultation in DC

During your consultation, we’ll walk you through the steps of a breast lift and discuss whether or not we should combine an augmentation or reduction with your lift to give you the overall look you desire. We’ll answer any questions you have about the procedure as well as recovery so you feel confident moving forward.

To schedule a consultation with one of our top-rated plastic surgeons and learn more about how a breast lift in DC may benefit you call 301-215-5955 or click here.

The 4 Things You Need to Know About Breast Reductions

Breast Reduction DCDo you suffer from overdeveloped, painful breasts? You’re not alone. In 2019, over 46,000 patients underwent a breast reduction for aesthetic purposes while over 60,000 underwent a breast reduction for reconstructive purposes. Thousands of women suffer from breasts that are too large and end up making everyday life difficult. If you’re ready to make a change and reduce the size of your breasts, a breast reduction may be right for you.

4 things you need to know before your breast reduction

  1. It can reduce back and neck pain– Many women suffer from back or neck pain due to their large breasts. This procedure can help reduce or remove the pain you’ve been dealing with and help you lead a more active and comfortable lifestyle.
  2. Your insurance may cover the cost of the procedure– Some patients are able to have their breast reduction costs covered, or partially covered, if the procedure is completed for health reasons.
  3. Recovery is typically 1-2 weeks– With a relatively short recovery time, you can be back to normal in no time.
  4. There is a difference between a reduction and a lift– Many patients ask about the difference between a reduction and a lift. If you’re in need of perkier breasts, a lift may do the trick whereas if your breasts are too large a reduction is likely the best option. In some cases, we’ve combined the two to achieve the patient’s desired results.

Your breast reduction consultation with Bruno | Brown

During your consultation, we’ll discuss your goals and help decide if a breast reduction is the right choice for you. We can explain what to expect before, during, and after the procedure and will be there to support you throughout the entire process. Our doctors are highly trained and perform technically advanced procedures to achieve the best possible results for our patients.

To schedule a consultation with one of our experienced plastic surgeons and learn if a breast reduction in DC is right for you call 301-215-5955 or click here.