Getting a Breast Reduction in Chevy Chase, MD

Getting a breast reduction in Chevy Chase, MD does not have to be stressful! When you have the right doctor performing your surgery and walking you through the process step by step, you will feel comfortable and ready to take on the world.

Top Reasons to Get a Breast Reduction in Chevy Chase, MDBreast Reduction before and after

Getting a breast reduction is not always about physical appearance. A breast reduction can greatly improve quality of life and increase confidence in several situations.

  • Chronic back, neck and shoulder painThis is a common reason many women decide to get a breast reduction. The back, neck and shoulder pain can start to become unbearable over the years and a breast reduction can provide relief.
  • Chronic rash or skin irritation under breasts: No one likes an itchy and uncomfortable rash, especially under their breasts. And when it’s consistent it’s even worse.
  • Nerve pain: With a larger chest comes more weight, which can result in the shoulders rolling forward causing compression in the thoracic outlet. This can cause upper back nerve pain that can be very uncomfortable.
  • Restricted activity: No one wants to be restricted by their own body. If you’re experiencing restricted activities due to breast size, this surgery could make a world of difference in your everyday life.

How we determine if a breast reduction is the right procedure for you

During your consultation, we will talk about your goals, why you want the procedure, and your lifestyle to determine procedure options. We will also perform an examination to see what may work best for you. We will talk through your options and answer any questions you have about the procedure, recovery, and what your next steps are. Our highly trained doctors are dedicated to providing the best possible result for you through technically advanced procedures and are here to support you through your journey.

To learn more about if a breast reduction procedure is right for you, schedule a consultation with Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery today by calling (301) 215-5955.

Your DC Breast Reduction Questions Answered

DC Breast ReductionMany women opt into breast reduction surgery each year to help reduce the size of their breasts for both cosmetic and health reasons. Cosmetically speaking, oversize breasts can make it hard to find clothes that fit properly and can leave women feeling insecure in their own skin with disproportionately sized breasts. However, many women’s reasoning goes beyond appearance. Oversized breasts can cause severe back and neck pain, and can also make it difficult to exercise or be physically active in general. While this procedure is relatively common, there are still several burning questions we receive from patients before they opt into surgery.

Important DC breast reduction facts you should know

We receive a variety of questions from our patients typically revolving around the recovery, benefits, whether the procedure is the right choice, and whether the patient is a good candidate.

  • Recovery– Many patients come to us concerned about the recovery time from the procedure. While you may assume a breast reduction requires extensive recovery, but that is not the case. Most patients experience a recovery time of about 5-7 days before resuming their normal daily routines. Exercise can be resumed once the swelling has dissipated and pain medicine is often only used for a few days.
  • Benefits– Women who undergo the procedure often experience a boost in confidence and feel more control over their bodies. The procedure allows patients to have an easier time finding clothes that fit, exercising, and a reduction in back or neck pain caused by oversized breasts.
  • Breast reduction vs. breast lift– We’ve found that patients are occasionally unsure of what type of procedure they need. The main factor when deciding between a reduction and a lift is the size and volume of your breast. If your main goal is to make your breasts perkier, a lift is often the right choice. But, if you’re looking to make your breasts smaller, a reduction is usually the option for you. We’ll evaluate your needs and goals in your consultation and can make recommendations as to what procedure will best benefit you and consider whether you would benefit from a combination of the two procedures.
  • Candidates for the procedure– Candidates for this procedure typically suffer from back or neck pain due to their breasts, limited physical activity due to their breasts, and have found it difficult to find clothes that fit.

How to choose a surgeon for a breast reduction in DC 

You should choose a surgeon who listens to your needs, is known for producing great results, and can make recommendations that will best suit your goals. Our doctors take the time to listen to you and get a feel for what you really want out of the procedure. We evaluate your individual goals and breasts before coming up with a plan to achieve your breast goals. We perform technically advanced procedures to achieve the best possible result and value your health and safety above all else. We happily explain the process from beginning to end and support you throughout your recovery so you feel comfortable and informed.

To schedule your consultation with Bruno | Brown for a breast reduction in DC call 301-215-5955 or click here.