Becoming a mom is one of the most wonderful things that can happen to you in your life. But, it can sometimes leave you not feeling like yourself. The mommy makeover procedure helps to restore your body back to what you remember so you can feel like yourself again.
This procedure can be scary for many people; it’s best to have all the information before deciding if the mommy makeover is the right choice for you. At Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery are here to walk you through the mommy makeover procedure and, specifically, the mommy makeover recovery.
How long is the mommy makeover recovery process?
Dr. Brown says:
“Recovering from a mommy makeover is going to be a very individual experience depending on the procedures that were performed.”
The recovery process is completely personal to the surgeries that you decide to get. A traditional mommy makeover recovery time is 2 to 3 weeks. One of the largest deciding factors of recovery length is if you get the tummy tuck procedure. The tummy tuck procedure sets mommy makeover recovery back 2 weeks.
How will this surgery affect taking care of my kids?
You should be able to “hip” a child within 1 to 2 days of the surgery. However, comfortably picking up a child will take about 2 to 3 weeks. Being careful of swelling and bandages is essential to a full recovery. When it comes to recovery trusting your body is the best way to heal.
Dr. Brown also covers the mommy makeover procedure and what makes a good candidate
Our very own Dr. Brown discusses what recovery will look like and any questions you will have in our “Mommy Makeover Surgery Guide – from Procedures Involved to Recovery” YouTube video.
When considering a mommy makeover, it is important to remember that every surgery is a personalized experience.
If you would like to read about the makeover recovery process from a real patient, make sure to check out Lori’s mommy makeover journey.
Which procedures typically make up a mommy makeover? 
The mommy makeover surgery typically combines some sort of breast procedure and an abdominal procedure (for example the surgery can involve a tummy tuck and breast lift). Dr. Brown highlights that the surgery is an “individual plan” so the procedures can vary depending on the patient.
All patients are different sizes and shapes so the surgery plan that works for one patient might not work for another patient. Before the surgery, you will meet with your surgeon to go over the best procedures for you.
Check out a real patient blog where they discussed why they combined the procedures they did and the cost-saving benefits.
How do I know if I’m a good candidate for a mommy makeover?
After having a child, your body will look different and feel different than it used to. It’s very common for mothers to realize that their breasts are a different shape and often they will have looser abdomen skin and overall are having a hard time getting those muscles to get back to where they were before becoming a mother. If you feel like this relates to you, you might consider this procedure.
Ready for your mommy makeover?
Find a trusted plastic surgeon to perform your surgery and schedule a consultation. A consultation is key to having a good surgery, answering all your questions, and making sure your mommy makeover is the individualized surgery necessary for you to get back to yourself.