Transform your Confidence: Tummy Tucks and Liposuction in Bethesda, MD

Sculpting confidence with liposuction and tummy tucks in Bethesda, Maryland

Are you aiming to redefine your silhouette and take on newfound confidence? At Bruno|Brown Plastic Surgery, our tummy tuck and liposuction procedures offer more than mere physical transformations; they empower individuals to fully embrace their figures.

Despite rigorous efforts through diets and exercise, sagging skin or stubborn, unwanted fat may persist. We offer surgical solutions: tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, and liposuction in Bethesda.

Every body is unique, and so are its needs. When considering a body sculpting procedure, understanding each route is crucial. Our expert doctors at Bruno|Brown Plastic Surgery will guide you through this process during your consultation. Let’s delve into introductory information on each procedure to help you make an informed decision tailored to your desires.

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Redefining your figure: Tummy tuck in Bethesda MD

No matter how many diets you undertake, or how much exercise you do, that extra pocket of stomach fat or sagging skin won’t budge? A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty in Bethesda tackles these problem areas by removing stubborn fat and tissue around the waistline and stomach.

Many patients opt to include this procedure in their mommy makeover because it focuses on restoring the shape of the abdomen, which can be helpful after pregnancy.

The tummy tuck procedure aims to eliminate excess fat and loose skin from your entire abdominal area. This can be as minimal or as extensive as you desire. During your consultation, you and one of our expert doctors will discuss:

  • Waistline contouring goals and desired results
  • Amount of excess skin/fat you want to remove
  • Incision type
  • Lifestyle and activity levels

Our approach here at Bruno|Brown Plastic Surgery will tighten your entire waistline, transforming your body and granting you a more toned look and increased confidence.

Understanding liposuction in Bethesda, MD

Similar to a tummy tuck procedure, lipo targets stubborn areas of fat. Liposuction is a versatile procedure that can address and remove unwanted fat from love handles, arms, thighs, and more.

Fat is removed through suction, using a thin metal tube or cannula during the procedure.

During your consultation, our experienced surgeons will develop a personalized plan that best fits your needs and desires. They will also walk you through the procedure, providing all the details to keep you informed as a patient. The following will be discussed during your consultation:

  • Target areas for fat removal
  • Traditional tumescent liposuction
  • Power-assisted liposuction
  • Skin elasticity
  • Lifestyle and activity levels

If you are seeking a liposuction procedure in Maryland, the specialists at Bruno|Brown Plastic Surgery will be with you throughout the entire process.

Finding the right plastic surgery provider for you: Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery

Selecting the right plastic surgeon for your tummy tuck or liposuction procedure is crucial. Our doctors are considered some of the area’s top-rated plastic surgeons, serving the Maryland community for years.

Beyond surgical excellence, we prioritize personalized care, ensuring you feel comfortable, confident, and informed at every stage of your transformational journey. We will walk you through every step of the process in detail, from your consultation through your recovery. Your comfort, safety, and achieving your desired outcome are at the core of our practice.

If you are ready to embark on this journey towards newfound confidence with a tummy tuck or liposuction procedure, schedule your consultation today!

All About Tummy Tucks in Bethesda, MD

Bethesda Tummy Tuck, before and afters

A tummy tuck surgery helps to tighten your entire waistline and stomach area to transform your body and give you a more toned look. This area of the body is a problem for many people, and sometimes, the excess skin cannot be removed with just exercise and dieting. If that is the case for you, a tummy tuck procedure may be the perfect option to suit your needs.

Welcome to our blog! Click here if you’re looking for tummy tuck before and after photos.

What is a Tummy Tuck in Bethesda, MD?

Tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, removes unwanted fat and tissue around the waistline and stomach.

During the procedure, your doctor will cut an incision in the appropriate place, depending on the procedure technique chosen. Next, the upper abdominal skin is pulled down, and any excess skin is trimmed away from the area. The incisions are then closed, and the procedure is finished.

Liposuction is often performed with the procedure.

Before having tummy tuck surgery, you and your doctor will undergo a consultation to determine what methods are right for you.

During your consultation, we will discuss:

  • Incision type
  • Your waistline contouring goals
  • Your lifestyle and activity levels
  • Amount of excess skin/fat to remove

What are the 3 Different Types of Tummy Tucks?

  1. Extended Tummy Tuck: The extended tummy tuck is best suited to individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight in order to achieve their current look. This procedure involves extending the incisions from the waistline around to the sides of the patient and possibly to the lower back.
  2. Mini Tummy Tuck: A mini tummy tuck involves the smallest incision of the three techniques. This procedure addresses the area below the belly button and is most often completed with liposuction. Because it focuses exclusively on the lower abdominal region, a mini tummy tuck is less invasive, and there is minimal scarring.
  3. Full Tummy Tuck: A full tummy tuck involves an incision across the entire hip line and around the belly button to remove excess fat and skin in this area. This technique tightens the entire abdominal region and addresses a much larger area than the mini tuck.

What are the Benefits of a Tummy Tuck in Bethesda, MD?Tummy Tuck Bethesda

A tummy tuck procedure has many benefits that can vary based on the type of procedure a patient chooses to undergo.

These benefits include:

  • Reducing the size of the waistline and hipline
  • Reducing the appearance of stretch marks, particularly after pregnancy
  • Improving the appearance of abdominal muscles
  • Removing excess, loose, or hanging skin, which may be the result of weight loss or pregnancy
  • Enhancing the overall figure
  • Flattening the stomach area
  • Tightening the stomach muscles

How Long Does it Take to Recover From a Tummy Tuck?

The procedure itself takes approximately 2-4 hours, and there is no overnight hospital stay required.

The time it takes to recover from a tummy tuck can vary based on the individual patient; it’s important to listen to your body as you recover. Most patients are able to return to regular activity after two or three weeks and begin to exercise after they’ve fully healed.

Why Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery for Tummy Tucks in Bethesda, MD?

Finding the right plastic surgeon for your Bethesda tummy tuck procedure is a crucial part of a successful and safe surgical process. Our board-certified plastic surgeons will tailor your procedure to best fit your body’s needs and goals.

The doctors at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery have decades of surgical experience and always ensure their patients walk away satisfied with their surgery.

To learn more about getting a tummy tuck in Bethesda, MD, call Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery at (301) 215-5955 or schedule a consultation.

Stop. Drop. And Go… To Bethesda For Your Tummy Tuck!

You’ve done the workouts. You’ve done the dieting. You’ve lost the weight. But you just can’t seem to get rid of that annoying tummy fat and skin. You’re not alone; your body has done all the work it can do and just needs a little help. Abdominoplasties, also known as tummy tucks, remove excess skin and fat from your abdomen and waistline in order to achieve a more tightened and toned look. Tummy tucks give you the nudge you need to cross the finish line to achieve your desired body.

What Is a Tummy Tuck and Is It Right For Me?

This process begins with a consultation where you will talk to our board-certified doctors, Dr. Bruno and Dr. Brown, about your overall lifestyle and activity levels, what you want to achieve with the procedure, the amount of excess skin or fat that will be removed, the type of incision, and other inquiries you may have. We understand every body is different and therefore requires different approaches; that’s why we value taking the time to learn about you and what would work best for your specific case. From there, it can be determined if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

Good candidates for a tummy tuck:DC Tummy Tuck, before and afters

  • are women who would like to restore their pre-pregnancy bodies
  • have recently lost a significant amount of weight
  • are in good general health
  • are near their ideal weight or figure
  • have realistic expectations for their results
  • have excess skin or fat in the stomach region

About the Tummy Tuck Surgery in Bethesda

There are several types of tummy tuck surgeries: full, mini, and extended. The difference between these is the amount of excess fat/skin involved and how large your incision will be. Our doctors will give you an overview of the procedure so you will know what to expect; surgery time is typically between two to four hours, tummy tuck recovery time is usually between two to three weeks, and there is no overnight hospital stay required.

The benefits of this procedure can include:

  • flattening the stomach area
  • improving the appearance of abdominal muscles
  • reducing the size of the waistline and hipline
  • enhancing your overall figure
  • tightening the stomach muscles
  • removal of excess, loose, or hanging skin, which may be the result of weight loss or pregnancy
  • reduced appearance of stretch marks, particularly after pregnancy

Combining Your Bethesda Tummy Tuck With Other Procedures

Tummy tucks can also be combined with other procedures such as liposuction or mommy makeovers. Liposuction can be used when there are small areas of fat that won’t go away despite your best efforts. A thin metal tube uses a suction method to remove these areas in the least invasive way possible, making your recovery time faster. Mommy makeovers are a combination of many procedures including a tummy tuck, breast augmentation or reduction, sculpting, and more. Together these procedures help restore your pre-pregnancy body and boost your confidence. Overall, the tummy tuck is a great procedure to have done alone or accompanied with other procedures.

Visit our website to schedule your tummy tuck Bethesda consultation today!