Your Major Questions About a Tummy Tuck in DC Answered

Tummy Tuck in DCThousands of men and women opt into a tummy tuck each year for varying reasons. A tummy tuck can help those with excess skin from pregnancy or weight loss regain their confidence and feel comfortable in their own skin. While this procedure is widely common, there are things you may or may not know that can help you decide if the procedure is right for you.

Common DC tummy tuck questions

Q. What are the benefits of a tummy tuck?

A. A Tummy tuck can flatten the stomach, improve the appearance of your abdominal muscles, remove excess skin, and reduce the appearance of stretch marks among other benefits.

Q. How do I know if I’m a candidate for the procedure?

A. We recommend that candidates are in good health, near their ideal weight, have realistic expectations for their results, and are in generally good health.

Q. Does every tummy tuck require a hip to hip scar?

A. While a full tummy tuck can leave a longer hip to hip scar, each patient is individual and the procedure can be tailored to your needs. Some patients can achieve their goals with a mini-tummy tuck which can often leave a scar limited to just the pubic area.

Deciding if a tummy tuck in DC is right for you

When you are interested in undergoing a tummy tuck, it’s important to consult with a plastic surgeon who is experienced and can make recommendations to you. Our plastic surgeons are highly trained and perform technically advanced procedures. We’ll evaluate your specific case and decide on the type of tummy tuck that’s right for you. We explain the procedure in full from beginning to end so know you what to expect and support you throughout recovery. We’ll answer any questions you have about the procedure during your consultation and help you come up with a plan to achieve your goals.

To schedule your consultation with one of our experienced plastic surgeons for your tummy tuck in DC call 301-215-5955 or click here.

Why a Tummy Tuck in DC Is More Than Just Cosmetic

Tummy Tuck DCThe tummy tuck procedure is one of the most commonly performed procedures. In fact, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, it was the 5th most commonly performed cosmetic surgical procedure in 2018. But despite the popularity of this procedure, many don’t realize the true physical and emotional benefits of the procedure besides the obvious change in appearance.

Cosmetic and medical benefits of a tummy tuck in DC

  • Flattening of the stomach– A tummy tuck can drastically change the appearance of your stomach giving it a much trimmer appearance.
  • Waistline reduction– The procedure can remove fat and skin giving you a slimmer waistline.
  • Tightened stomach muscles– Many patients notice that their stomach muscles are tighter following surgery.
  • Removal of excess skin– following weight loss or pregnancy many people find that they have loose or hanging skin left behind. This can hinder their physical abilities and leave them feeling less than good about their appearance. By removing excess skin patients usually have an easier time finding clothing that fits.
  • Boosted confidence– When individuals are unhappy with their appearance it can have effects on their mental state. Most patients experience a boost in confidence following the procedure which can improve their outlook and mental health.

The DC tummy tuck procedure can be tailored to your needs

Every patient is different and so are their needs that’s why tummy tucks allow patients the ability to make as much or as little of a change as they want. There are three different ways a tummy tuck procedure can be performed:

  • Full tummy tuck
  • Mini tummy tuck
  • Extended tummy tuck

The doctors at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery will discuss your specific case and goals to help decide what procedure is best suited for you. We’ll work to achieve your cosmetic goals and work to improve your overall health along the way.

To schedule your consultation with one of our top-rated doctors for a tummy tuck in DC call 301-215-5955 or click here.





New Year, New You- How a Tummy Tuck in DC Can Give You the Body You Want

Tummy Tuck in DCHave you made New Year weight-loss resolutions that just seem impossible to keep? This year make good on your resolution and get the body you’ve always wanted with a tummy tuck in DC.

What a tummy tuck procedure involves

Not all tummy tucks are the same. Depending on your body and your goals, there are different procedure options. Some of the main options your doctor may consider are:

  • Full tummy tuck: A full tummy tuck typically involves an incision that goes across the hip line and around the belly button.
  • Mini tummy tuck: A mini tummy tuck usually has a smaller incision and can be complemented by liposuction.
  • Extended tummy tuck: The extended tummy tuck is a great option for people who have lost a significant amount of weight that has left behind loose or hanging skin. This procedure usually involves an incision around the flanks, lower back, and the hip line.

Benefits of a tummy tuck in DC

Along with keeping the New Year resolution, you make every year; the tummy tuck procedure has a wide array of benefits, including:

  • A flatter stomach
  • Improved appearance of the abdominal area
  • Smaller waistline
  • An enhanced figure
  • Tighter abdominal muscles
  • Removal of excess or loose, hanging skin
  • Boosted confidence
  • Improved appearance of stretch marks

Consult with a top-rated DC plastic surgeon for your DC tummy tuck

When you’re considering a tummy tuck, it’s best to consult with an experienced plastic surgeon that is committed to providing cutting edge procedures while always keeping patient safety top of mind. The doctors at Bruno | Brown have years of experience performing technically advanced procedures while always considering the best interests of their patients.

We’ll discuss your specific goals and needs and come up with a plan to achieve your goals as well as make sure you’re a good candidate for surgery. We can walk you through what to expect before, during and after the procedure.

To schedule your consultation for a tummy tuck in DC, call 301-215-5955 or click here.






What you Need to Know Before Getting a Tummy Tuck in DC

Tummy Tuck in DCPeople turn to plastic surgeons for tummy tucks for various reasons. Perhaps you lost weight and now have loose, hanging skin, or your stomach lost its shape after the birth of a child. Every case is unique, but if you’re considering this procedure, it’s imperative that you meet with expert plastic surgeons to talk you through the procedure and your goals to see if a tummy tuck is right for you.

What the tummy tuck procedure involves

Depending on your body goals, the procedure process will vary. For instance, a full tummy tuck involves an incision across your hip line and around the belly button, while a mini tummy tuck involves a much smaller incision, and we will typically add liposuction to complete your look.

In cases where a patient comes to us having lost a significant amount of weight, the procedure is more involved. In these extended tummy tuck cases, we create an incision around the flank, lower back, and hip line. You can discuss with your doctor which procedure will benefit you the most.

You want to make sure you’re a good candidate for a tummy tuck in DC

Ideal candidates for tummy tucks:

  • Are in good overall health
  • Are women who have had children and want to get back to their pre-baby body
  • Have recently lost a significant amount of weight and wish to remove excess skin or flatten the look of their stomach
  • Are close to their ideal weight
  • Have set appropriate expectations for their results
  • Have excess skin or fat in their abdominal area

The benefits of a tummy tuck in Washington, DC

A tummy tuck procedure has a wide range of benefits. We can flatten your stomach area, improve the appearance of your abdominal muscles, enhance your overall figure by reducing the size of your waist and hips, and remove excess skin and stretch marks. Many patients also get a confidence boost following their procedure and feel more comfortable in their own body.

Discuss your tummy tuck procedure with a top-rated plastic surgeon

The Doctors at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery are dedicated to giving their patients the best results possible by performing technically advanced, cutting-edge procedures while always keeping patient safety top of mind. We will go through your goals and discuss areas that you’re particularly unhappy with. We can explain the entire procedure and find the one that’s right for you.

To schedule a consultation with one of our top-rated doctors and figure out if a tummy tuck in DC is right for you, call 301-215-5955.