Are Breast Implants in DC Right for You?

Breast Implants DCBreast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic surgical procedures performed by plastic surgeons. It is sought after by patients for a variety of reasons, but it’s important to figure out if you’re a good candidate before choosing breast implants.

Good candidates for breast implants in DC are:

  • 18 years of age or older– Your body can continue to develop into adulthood, sometimes even after the age of 18. It’s important to be at, or near, full development before deciding to alter your breasts with implants.
  • Wish to enlarge their breasts– Breast implants are a great option for those who want to enlarge their breasts. Your doctor can help you choose an appropriate implant size based on your goals and lifestyle.
  • Patients with asymmetrical breasts- Not all breasts are created equal. Breasts can be two different sizes on the same body, which can be frustrating for several reasons. Breast implants can improve symmetry by using two different sizes.
  • Not currently breastfeeding or pregnant– Following a pregnancy, your breasts often look different than they did and can fluctuate in size while breastfeeding. Once you’re done breastfeeding, we can more easily tell what your breasts look like naturally and decided on an implant that’s right for you.
  • In good overall health– Just like any surgery, it’s best you are healthy overall before opting for breast implants so that you’ll have a higher chance of healing quickly and properly from your surgery.

Will DC breast implants help me achieve my goals?

There are plenty of benefits of having a breast augmentation. The procedure can improve symmetry, projection of your breasts, increase your breast size, reshape your cleavage, enhance breast volume, and restore a youthful look.

You can discuss your specific goals with your doctor prior to surgery to decide if the procedure is right for you and how we can best achieve your desired look.

Choose a top-rated plastic surgeon for your breast implants in DC.

Our doctors at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery can advise you on your breast implants and explain the procedure, so you know what to expect. Our team is dedicated to providing technologically advanced procedures, while also keeping our patients’ safety top priority. We’ll discuss the types of implants, and go over any concerns you may have about the procedure.

Call us today at 301-215-5955 or reach out online to schedule your consultation for breast implants in DC.





How a Mommy Makeover in Washington DC Can Help You Regain Your Confidence

Mommy Makeover DCPregnancy can take a toll on your body leaving your abdominal muscles less tight than they once were, your breasts may sag more, and the shape of your body may be different than what it was before. Diet and exercise can certainly help, but it and may not get you back to the body you desire. If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your post-pregnancy body, you may want to consider a mommy makeover in Washington, DC.

What the DC mommy makeover procedure includes

During your consultation, we will go over your goals for the procedure and figure out what works best for you. Some people need (or want) more procedures than others, so it’s ultimately up to you which problem areas you would like to address. The mommy makeover typically involves a tummy tuck, liposuction, and a breast enhancement/breast lift.

When is the right time for a mommy makeover in DC?

Being a mother is a full-time job, and it’s hard to put a pause on life. The mommy makeover has a relatively short recovery time of 2-3 weeks, and you typically won’t need to stay overnight in the hospital. We try to get you back on your feet as soon as possible following the procedure.

During your consultation, we can come up with a timeline that works for you, and we’ll discuss your options as a candidate. For the mommy makeover, you must make sure you’re not breastfeeding, are at least four to six months post-childbirth, and are close to your ideal body weight. This will help us achieve the best results possible and ensure a successful procedure.

Some of the benefits of a mommy makeover in DC are:

  • We can remove excess skin– After pregnancy, you may have excess or loose and hanging skin around your abdominal area that you’re unhappy with. We can address these areas by removing excess skin to smooth the look of your stomach.
  • We can improve the look of your breasts– Breastfeeding and pregnancy can take a toll on your breasts, leaving them saggy and less full. We can give your breasts a lift and help restore your pre-pregnancy look.
  • Your self-confidence will get a boost– When you look good, you tend to feel better and more confident. We’ll discuss your goals and go through the procedure to improve your overall confidence with your body.
  • We can diminish the appearance of stretch marks– The weight gain from pregnancy often leaves behind stretch marks. If this is an issue you’d like address, we can help diminish their appearance and smooth out the skin.

To schedule your consultation for your DC mommy makeover, call 301-215-5955.




What you Need to Know Before Getting a Tummy Tuck in DC

Tummy Tuck in DCPeople turn to plastic surgeons for tummy tucks for various reasons. Perhaps you lost weight and now have loose, hanging skin, or your stomach lost its shape after the birth of a child. Every case is unique, but if you’re considering this procedure, it’s imperative that you meet with expert plastic surgeons to talk you through the procedure and your goals to see if a tummy tuck is right for you.

What the tummy tuck procedure involves

Depending on your body goals, the procedure process will vary. For instance, a full tummy tuck involves an incision across your hip line and around the belly button, while a mini tummy tuck involves a much smaller incision, and we will typically add liposuction to complete your look.

In cases where a patient comes to us having lost a significant amount of weight, the procedure is more involved. In these extended tummy tuck cases, we create an incision around the flank, lower back, and hip line. You can discuss with your doctor which procedure will benefit you the most.

You want to make sure you’re a good candidate for a tummy tuck in DC

Ideal candidates for tummy tucks:

  • Are in good overall health
  • Are women who have had children and want to get back to their pre-baby body
  • Have recently lost a significant amount of weight and wish to remove excess skin or flatten the look of their stomach
  • Are close to their ideal weight
  • Have set appropriate expectations for their results
  • Have excess skin or fat in their abdominal area

The benefits of a tummy tuck in Washington, DC

A tummy tuck procedure has a wide range of benefits. We can flatten your stomach area, improve the appearance of your abdominal muscles, enhance your overall figure by reducing the size of your waist and hips, and remove excess skin and stretch marks. Many patients also get a confidence boost following their procedure and feel more comfortable in their own body.

Discuss your tummy tuck procedure with a top-rated plastic surgeon

The Doctors at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery are dedicated to giving their patients the best results possible by performing technically advanced, cutting-edge procedures while always keeping patient safety top of mind. We will go through your goals and discuss areas that you’re particularly unhappy with. We can explain the entire procedure and find the one that’s right for you.

To schedule a consultation with one of our top-rated doctors and figure out if a tummy tuck in DC is right for you, call 301-215-5955.





Are you considering Botox in DC?

Getting botox in DCBotox is the cosmetic form of botulinum toxin that is a minimally invasive procedure that requires no downtime and helps improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. In fact, it was one of the most popular minimally invasive procedures in 2018 according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

While this procedure is relatively simple, it’s important to understand what to expect before having this procedure done.

What to expect from a Botox procedure in DC and some of the benefits

It’s important to set your expectations for this procedure. Botox can provide fantastic results that offer a more youthful look, but it’s important to note that it will not completely change your overall appearance. This can be discussed with your doctor beforehand so that the two of you can discuss your goals and what can be achieved from this procedure.

During the appointment, small injections of Botox are made into the skin smooth out lines and restore elasticity. The results can last up to four months with a single treatment or for longer-lasting results follow-up treatments can be scheduled.

Botox can target a number of areas and improve the look of forehead wrinkles, restore the elasticity of the vertical lines between your eyebrows, smooth out crow’s feet, and reduce the lines in the folds between your nose and lips. The procedure is quick, only lasting about 10-15 minutes, so you can stop by on a lunch break without missing much of your day.

Why you should turn to an experienced physician for Botox in DC

While Botox may seem quick and easy, you will want to consult with an experienced and well-trained medical professional. The doctors at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery have been advising patients on how to achieve their goals and performing this procedure for years with impressive results. If you’re considering Botox in DC, reach out to our doctors and we can come up with a plan for you.

Schedule your Botox appointment, by contacting Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery today.


Finding a Top-Rated Plastic Surgeon in the World of Social Media

Top Rated Plastic SurgeonSocial media has changed the way we live our lives. While much of its original purpose was to connect people, it has evolved into something much more. People turn to their social media accounts for all types of reasons, but now more than ever, people use it as a resource to find a top-rated plastic surgeon.

The “Dolls” of social media

A new trend has started on Instagram where cosmetic surgery patients create private accounts to review plastic surgeons, their nurses, hospitals, and recovery houses. Often times they refer to themselves as “dolls”, naming themselves after their doctor, such as “Doctorsnamedoll”.

These “dolls” host private accounts, usually on Instagram, and post before, during, and after photos of their surgery. Users can find women, or men, with the same body build and similar features as them as a way to get a glimpse of what their potential surgery would be like.

While this can be a great resource of information for those looking into plastic surgery, users must also be aware that not everything you see is accurate.

When looking for a top-rated plastic surgeon on a platform like Instagram, buyer beware

Many of these accounts can be reliable as far as reviews of a surgeon go, but as with any social media platform, you may only be seeing part of the truth. Some of these “dolls” are paid for reviews. Whether it be in free surgery or money, it skews the reviews you see online, not to mention the capabilities of photoshop.

The positives of social media

While much of the information seen online isn’t 100% accurate or backed up by science, many users and “dolls” have formed strong supportive communities. These users and “dolls” have called out bad surgeons for malpractice and made their stories heard. Others have reached out to support those currently recovering from surgery who may be struggling with some of the speed bumps of recovery and bonded over their own struggle.

It has opened up a door to show the sides of plastic surgery that not everyone thinks about when considering a plastic surgeon. The community aspect is a major benefit of these “doll” accounts and many of them prove to be supportive of one another.

Top-rated plastic surgeons you can trust

Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery has been helping patients find the best plastic surgery approach for them for years. We advise patients on what is appropriate for their individual situation and discuss any questions they have so that they have a good understanding of what to expect before the procedure. We strive to provide the best results possible so that our patients leave satisfied and feel more confident about themselves.

Schedule an appointment with one of our top-rated plastic surgeons today.


To read more about the “doll” culture, click here.



DC Ear Surgery: What You Need to Know

DC Ear SurgeryImprove the shape, position, or proportion of your ears with DC ear surgery

 If you have protruding ears that are leading to a decrease in self-confidence, you might want to consider ear surgery. This procedure corrects protruding ears in order to create a more natural shape while bringing balance to your ears and face.

What is ear surgery?

This procedure is also known as ‘Otoplasty’ or ‘Ear Pinning’. In this procedure, the protrusion of the ears is reduced by reshaping the base of the ear for a more harmonious appearance.

This is done by creating an incision that is placed behind the ear, in the creases, and the cartilage is bent into a new shape. Sutures are then placed on the interior to maintain the new position. Results are often dramatic and we invite you to view before and after photos of patients who have opted to undergo ear surgery in DC here.

For more information about the procedure, read this from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

DC otoplasty benefits:

There are many benefits to this procedure, including:

  • Reducing the protrusion of the ears
  • Improving self-image
  • Increasing overall facial harmony 

Who does ear pinning treat?

  • Overly large ears: This is caused by a condition called macrotia. The procedure can make your ears look more proportional to the rest of your facial features.
  • Protruding ears occurring on one or both sides in varying degrees: Improve the balance of your ears and improve your self-image
  • Dissatisfaction with previous ear surgery: If you’re not satisfied with your previous ear surgery, consult with our doctors about how we can help!

Choosing the right plastic surgeon for your surgery

One of the most important considerations to make when deciding to undergo plastic surgery is choosing a team you can trust. The experts at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery have many years of experience, are trained for performing the otoplasty procedure, and have performed it many times successfully.

Take the next steps to improve the shape of your ears and increase your self-confidence with Otoplasty by scheduling a consultation.





‘Side Boob’: How to Achieve This Popular Trend with Breast Augmentation in DC

Breast Augmentation in DCOne of the most sought-after trends right now, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, is the ‘side boob’. To achieve this look, the expert surgeons at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery recommend enhancing your breasts with breast augmentation in DC.

About the phenomenon that is ‘side boob’

Side boob is exactly what it sounds like and is revealed when the side of your breasts show in your clothing. You’ve probably seen celebs posting in dresses, swimsuits, and other pieces of clothing donning the side boob. Dubbed “the new cleavage”, many women want them to show subtly from their clothing, but it might not always be naturally achievable. 

Visit our breast augmentation before after image gallery.

Achieve the best ‘side boob’ with DC breast augmentation

The most direct way to achieve this look is not strength training or weight loss; it’s breast enhancement surgery.

Breast enhancement, or breast augmentation, is a popular procedure that can completely reshape and resize the appearance of your breasts.

The doctors at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery will work with you to determine how to best achieve your desired look.

You have various different ways we can achieve the results you desire for your breast augmentation:

  • Saline implants: A silicone shell is filled to your preferred volume, increasing the shape and size of your breasts
  • Silicone implants: A silicone shell is filled to the desired volume and offers a more natural look
  • Fat grafting: Uses liposuction to transfer fat from other parts of the body to the breasts, giving a fuller look
  • Ideal Implants: Ideal Implants were approved by the FDA in 2014 after 10 years in development. They provide a natural feel and youthful look without using silicone gel by using a series of implant shells nested together and two separate chambers that hold the saline.

Each implant type has unique benefits and results, so the best way to determine which will work best for you is to consult the doctors on your overall appearance goals.

Read a real-life DC breast augmentation experience to learn more about what to expect during the procedure.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule your consultation for a breast augmentation procedure in Washington DC, contact us today.

The ‘Daddy-Do-Over’: More Men Seeking Out Top Plastic Surgeons in DC

Top Plastic Surgeons in DCJust as women are seeking mommy makeovers to contour their body for a more trim, youthful appearance, more men are now looking for top plastic surgeons in DC to do the same.

The ‘Daddy-Do-Over’ is Trending, Making More Men Seek Out Top Plastic Surgeons in DC than Ever Before

Drooping eyes and necks can age a man beyond his years, and everyone from lawyers to entertainers are lining up to help keep their appearances young.

According to the latest report from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 1.3 million procedures were performed on men last year alone, which is a 29 percent increase since 2000.

“Obviously, men don’t go through the same physical changes that women experience during pregnancy and post-pregnancy, but their lifestyle does change, which can impact their appearance,” said Alan Matarasso, MD, president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

“Diet and exercise patterns fluctuate, and they don’t sleep as much. Men notice their body changes due to aging and parenting, and it starts to look completely different in their 30s and 40s. That is the point of a Daddy-Do-Over.”

Top Surgeries for Men

  1. Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty): Excess tissue is removed from the eyelid area and surrounding areas for a more youthful appearance.
  2. Nose reshaping (Rhinoplasty): In this procedure, doctors will either use careful surgical techniques or in-office fillers to reshape your nose for a more flattering appearance.
  3. Liposuction: This takes care of stubborn pockets of fat by carefully targeting excess fat, the suction permanents removes fat from your trouble spots.
  4. Breast Reduction in Men (Gynecomastia): This condition affects approximately 40 to 60 percent of men. With this procedure, men suffering from undesirable chest appearance can obtain a more masculine look by removing excess skin and tissue above the pectoral muscles.

Choose A DC Top-Rated Plastic Surgeon for Your ‘Daddy-Do-Over’

We understand that choosing to undergo plastic surgery is a very personal and life altering decision. The doctors at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery are committed to providing cutting edge procedures while obtaining safe, effective results. We prefer to consider a holistic approach to your procedure or procedures as it will increase the overall harmony of your features.

Interested in learning more about our top plastic surgeons in DC? Schedule a consultation today online or by calling us at 301-215-5955.

Facelift in Washington, DC: Your Commonly Asked Questions, Answered

Facelift in Washington DCAddressing the signs of aging can be done in various ways. With a surgical facelift in Washington, DC, men and women can achieve a more youthful and harmonious appearance. With all of the surgical and non-surgical procedures out there it’s important to understand the most commonly asked questions about this procedure to decide if this is the right option for you.

Why Should I Consider the Facelift Procedure in Washington, DC?

The facelift procedure combines surgical and non-invasive techniques to help reshape undesirable facial features. It  removes excess skin to create a firmer and more youthful appearance.

What Is It Like During the Procedure?

Many techniques can be used during the process depending on exactly what your concern is.

The primary options are:

  • Full Facelift: adjustments to the whole facial region, from the neck up to the forehead
  • Mid Facelift: primarily focused on the appearance of the cheeks and adjacent areas
  • Lower Facelift: concerning the mid and lower face region, often preferred by those just beginning to experience the signs of aging
  • Necklift: predominately addresses the neck bands and excess skin below the jawline

What are the Benefits of A DC Facelift?

Overall the procedure will help reduce the signs of aging that creams and other procedures may not be able to address.

Here are other top benefits of a facelift:

  • Increases harmony and symmetry of facial features
  • Reduces appearance of jowls
  • Raises the appearance of drooping cheeks
  • Smooths of the folds between the nose, around the mouth, towards the chin
  • Lifts the skin and fat beneath the chin and neck

Am I A Good Candidate for A Facelift in Washington, DC?

Candidates for this procedure are in good overall health, have realistic expectations about the procedure and their appearance, are non-smokers, and have generally healthy skin.

Read more commonly asked questions here.

In your complimentary consultation, the doctors at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery will work with you to determine which combination of facelift procedures will best suit your needs and lifestyle. Together, you and your doctor will decide how to best proceed to get you the youthful, refined appearance to help you look and feel better.

If you’re considering a facelift in Washington DC, contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Know Your Breast Reconstruction Options in DC

Breast reconstruction in DCBeing diagnosed with breast cancer is one of the most harrowing experiences of people’s lives. If you’ve had a mastectomy to remove the breast, consider minimizing the distress you may feel through reconstructive surgery. Breast reconstruction in DC helps women reclaim and maintain their femininity.

Types of Breast Reconstruction Procedures in DC

The doctors at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery understand how important it is during this time to be surrounded by friends, family, and a knowledgeable medical team who can help you through recovery. While you don’t have to choose breast reconstruction surgery, you should know all of your options!

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, fewer than 23% of women know the options available for breast reconstruction.

We offer the following procedures:

What Should I Expect During the DC Breast Reconstruction Procedure?

The breast reconstruction procedure involves replacing or restoring the appearance of breasts which have been removed due to mastectomy or which have been altered. This process offers the chance to completely reinvent the appearance of your chest.

We understand that femininity means something different to every woman and so the desired appearance of the breasts is also particular to every woman.

Breast Reconstruction is one of the most personalized services offered at Bruno | Brown, and may involve a combination of procedures. During your consultation, you and your physician will discuss the many options available for your treatment based on your breast cancer, your expectations and goals, your associated medical conditions, and the decision that makes you comfortable.

To learn more about DC breast reconstruction, contact us today to discuss your specific needs.