Top 5 Cosmetic Surgical Procedures for 2024 in Washington DC

Top 5 Cosmetic Surgical Procedures for 2024 in Washington DC

In the dynamic landscape of cosmetic surgery, 2024 unfolds as a year poised to redefine beauty standards and elevate aesthetic transformations. From sculpting confidence through liposuction to breast augmentation, achieving a defined figure via abdominoplasty, and rejuvenating expressiveness with eyelid surgery, we’re here to explore the top five cosmetic surgical procedures of 2024, providing insight into the trends shaping self-expression.

1.  Liposuction

Top DC Plastic SurgeonsThis versatile and transformative procedure continues to hold its ground for those seeking a sculpted and proportionate physique. Despite relentless efforts in dieting and exercise, many individuals find themselves grappling with stubborn pockets of fat that seem to stick. That’s where liposuction comes in: liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure capable of targeting and removing unwanted fat from specific areas such as love handles, arms, thighs, and more. This does so through a suction, utilizing a thin metal tube or cannula.

During your consultation, our expert surgeons will have a thorough discussion with you going over:

  • Target Areas for Fat Removal: Identifying the specific regions that concern you most.
  • Traditional Tumescent Liposuction: Exploring this established technique for precise fat removal.
  • Power-Assisted Liposuction: Understanding the benefits of this advanced approach.
  • Skin Elasticity: Evaluating the condition of your skin for optimal outcomes.
  • Lifestyle and Activity Levels: Tailoring the procedure to seamlessly integrate with your daily life.

As we step into another year, liposuction continues to reign supreme, providing individuals with the opportunity to sculpt their bodies and rediscover confidence. To see before and after photos of DC liposuction, click here.

2. Breast Augmentation

This is a transformative procedure that goes beyond reshaping; it empowers women to embrace their desired figure, fostering confidence.

Breast augmentation enhances the size and shape of breasts using implants or fat grafting to correct small, uneven, or disproportionate breasts. Breast augmentation isn’t merely about resizing; it’s a journey toward feeling happier and more confident. At Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery in Washington DC, we understand the profound impact that achieving the ideal breast size can have on a woman’s self-esteem.

During your consultation, key considerations include:

  • Implant vs. Fat Grafting: Exploring the best method to achieve your desired results.
  • Implant Material (Saline or Silicone): Understanding the characteristics of each material.
  • Implant Size: Tailoring the size to align with your aesthetic goals.
  • Implant Profile: Determining the desired projection and shape.
  • Implant Placement (Above or Below Pectoral Muscle): Deciding on the optimal placement for a natural look.
  • Lifestyle and Activity Levels: Ensuring the procedure seamlessly integrates with your daily life.
  • Skin Elasticity: Evaluating the condition of your skin for optimal outcomes.

As we celebrate the continued popularity of breast augmentation, we invite you to embark on a journey towards enhanced confidence and self-expression. To see before and after photos of breast augmentation in DC, click here.

3. Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

DC Plastic Surgery Operating Room

Addressing a common struggle that transcends diet and exercise, abdominoplasty has emerged as a favorite for those seeking a defined waistline and sculpted silhouette. The relentless pursuit of a healthier lifestyle often encounters a roadblock in stubborn pockets of stomach fat or sagging skin impervious to our best efforts. Abdominoplasty, designed to remove unwanted fat tissue around the waistline and stomach, goes beyond conventional methods, transforming the entire waistline for a toned look and heightened confidence.

During your abdominoplasty consultation, expect in-depth discussions covering:

  • Waistline Contouring Goals: Identifying and understanding your unique aspirations for a sculpted waistline.
  • Incision Type: Tailoring the surgical approach to suit your individual needs.
  • Amount of Excess Skin/Fat to Remove: Crafting a personalized plan based on your specific requirements.
  • Lifestyle and Activity Levels: Ensuring the procedure seamlessly integrates into your daily life.

To see before and after photos of DC tummy tucks, click here.

4. Breast Lift

Designed to lift and enhance the breasts, this transformative procedure at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery offers a rejuvenated and perkier appearance. Factors such as aging, pregnancy, and genetics can influence breast appearance, making a breast lift the perfect solution for those seeking to reclaim the youthful contour and firmness of their breasts.

Our approach to breast lift procedures is a commitment to holistic beauty. During your consultation, we will explore:

  • Breast Shape: Assessing and enhancing the natural shape of the breasts.
  • Breast Position: Repositioning the breasts for a more youthful appearance.
  • Skin Elasticity: Evaluating the skin’s ability to adapt to the changes.
  • Increasing Volume and Size: Discussing options for enhancing volume, including the potential addition of breast implants.
  • Incision Type: Tailoring the procedure to your anatomy and preferences.
  • Lifestyle and Activity Levels: Ensuring that the chosen approach aligns seamlessly with your daily life.

A breast lift in DC is a time-tested solution to elevate and enhance your natural beauty. To see before and after photos of breast lifts in DC, click here.

5. Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Factors like aging, lack of sleep, and sun damage can impact the expressiveness of our eyes leaving us constantly looking fatigued. Enter blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery): this targets excess skin, fat, or muscle in the upper or lower eyelids. This surgery is designed to eliminate under-eye puffiness, correct drooping eyelids, and smooth out wrinkles, leaving a more youthful and refreshed look.

For those seeking an extra touch of rejuvenation around the eyebrow and upper eyelid area, a browpexy is a complementary procedure that can be added to your blepharoplasty. Unlike a traditional brow lift, a browpexy involves smaller incisions and boasts a shorter recovery period.

At Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery, we approach blepharoplasty with a focus on the overall harmony of your facial features rather than isolating a single area. During your consultation, our experienced doctors will collaborate with you to determine the targeted areas that will achieve the most appealing appearance for your eyes:

  • Upper Blepharoplasty: Addressing concerns related to the upper eyelids.
  • Lower Blepharoplasty: Targeting issues in the lower eyelids.
  • Vision Difficulties: Evaluating and addressing concerns caused by drooping eyelids.
  • Undereye Puffiness: Resolving puffiness to enhance overall eye aesthetics.
  • Lifestyle Considerations: Tailoring the procedure to align with your daily life.
  • Browpexy Addition: Discussing the option of incorporating a browpexy for enhanced results.

To see before and after photos of DC blepharoplasty, click here.

Choosing the right surgeon for your cosmetic procedures in 2024

When considering any cosmetic surgery, choosing the right doctor is crucial. Our doctors here at Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery are among the area’s top-rated plastic surgeons, serving the greater Washington DC metropolitan area, including Maryland and Northern Virginia, for over 30 years. With a wealth of experience, we prioritize patient desires and needs, making every patient feel confident with the latest, most innovative practices.

If you’re interested in some of the top cosmetic surgical procedures, contact us today and schedule your consultation!

Mommy Makeover Surgery in Washington, DC: The Ultimate Gift

Treat yourself to the best gift of them all: a mommy makeover in Washington, DC

Mommy Makeover in DCThe season of giving includes giving to yourself. Whether you’ve had a baby or have loose skin from weight loss, a mommy makeover in DC is the perfect way to treat yourself. The mommy makeover procedure is a combination of procedures done together in order to restore your pre-pregnancy or pre-weight loss body.

You have reached our blog! If you’re looking for mommy makeover before and after photos, please click here.

What is a mommy makeover?

Our bodies can do incredible things, but sometimes see aesthetic changes as a result. As we age, stretch our skin, and move through different stages of our lives, our bodies change with us. Having children is a blessing, but they can also “bless” us with sagging breasts, loose skin, lax abdominal muscles, and an overall body shape that feels less than desirable. The procedures included in a mommy makeover could include:

  • Breast Lift: Removes excess skin and lifts the breast tissue to elevate the breast. Can be paired with breast augmentation or reduction.
  • Breast Augmentation: Breasts can lose volume during pregnancy or weight loss, so use of implants or fat grafting enhance the size, shape, and volume of the breast.
  • Breast Reduction: Breasts may grow, especially during pregnancy. Reducing the breast will relieve pain, enhance shape, and adjust size.
  • Tummy Tuck: Removes excess skin caused by stretched skin during pregnancy or weight loss. It also tightens the abdominal muscle, which can be severely affected during pregnancy.
  • Liposuction: Suctions unwanted fat from target areas. This fat can be reused for fat grafting.
  • or other body contouring and enhancing procedures discussed with your doctor.

What kind of tummy tuck should I get with my mommy makeover in DC?

Many patients opt to include the tummy tuck in their mommy makeover because it specifically focuses on restoring your abdomen, but you don’t have to have a baby to have this done. DC tummy tucks are also common after significant weight loss. A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, addresses your problem areas by removing unwanted stubborn fat and tissue around the waistline and stomach.

There are various types of tummy tucks. Your doctor will discuss which tummy tuck will be right for you when you discuss your current situation and desired outcome.

  • Mini Tummy Tuck: Patients in need of only a small amount of excess fat and skin removed may only require a mini tummy tuck, requiring a smaller incision and less surgery time.
  • Regular Tummy Tuck: The most common tummy tuck ranges from hip to hip, removing excess fat and loose skin from an individual’s entire abdominal area.
  • Extended Tummy Tuck: While this procedure is extremely similar to a regular tummy tuck, the targeted area extends beyond the hips, often including a liposuction contour within the desired area. Individuals who want to remove excess skin and fat in the lower back and hips may be recommended this procedure for best results.
  • Circumferential Tummy Tuck: A 360-degree tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat from the entire torso, generally most suitable for individuals who have faced significant weight loss, resulting in excess skin and fat in the abdomen, hips, and back.

What should I expect during a mommy makeover consultation?

Consultations with your doctor are especially important when it comes to mommy makeovers. Because every patient is different and the procedure involves various options, you and your doctor will need to discuss your current concerns, ideal goal, and possible options. Your doctor will help define your ideas with a plan that is specific to your situation. You will discuss the following during your consultation:

  • Rejuvenation of the abdomen
  • Liposuction
  • Breast lift
  • Breast enhancement
  • Body contouring techniques
  • Lifestyle and activity levels

Depending on your goals, some of these may apply, and some may not. It’s important to have open communication with your plastic surgeon in order to ensure the best results.

Is there anything else I should know about getting a mommy makeover?

Listen to what Dr. Brown has to say in this complete mommy makeover guide.

Interested in talking to a doctor about treating yourself to a mommy makeover and tummy tuck in Washington, DC? Schedule your consultation today!

The Best Breast Surgeons in DC

Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery Specializes in Breast Enhancement to Help You Achieve Your Dream Look

Whether you’re looking to get a breast lift, breast fat transfer, breast reconstruction, breast implants, breast reduction, or other type of breast revision in Washington, DC, Bruno | Brown Plastic Surgery is the place to go. Our breast surgeons have the experience, skills, and innovative techniques needed to help you achieve your ideal outcome.

Breast Lift, DC Plastic SurgeonsWhen it comes to breast procedures, all of the options may seem overwhelming. This blog will briefly explain each type of breast procedure to help guide you on your breast transformation journey. These are the procedures that will be covered:

It’s important to inform yourself by conducting your own research, but a consultation is even more important. Talking to the doctor about your current situation, desired outcome, and lifestyle will help you decide the best procedure for your specific goals.

DC Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation provides women with an enhanced figure by resizing and reshaping the breast to achieve a fuller look. Every patient is different, so we take a holistic approach to achieving your desired look. During your consultation, we will work closely with you to determine whether a breast implant or fat grafting can best help you achieve the ideal shape and size of your breast.

Breast Implants in DC

Breast implants are the most popular way to achieve a fuller, larger look. Despite its popularity, this procedure can be intimidating due to the decisions that come with it. Implant size, profiles, and material are important factors that will affect the way your breasts look and feel, but may seem like foreign concepts.

Breast Implants DC

  • Implant sizes are measured in cubic centimeter measurements – each patient’s body is different and may require a different sized implant to achieve a “one cup size up”
  • Implant profiles are low, moderate, or high – these will determine the shape and projection of your breasts depending on your body type
  • Saline or silicone implants – while both options are good, saline implants have a consistency similar to water while saline implants are more gel-like

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation in Washington, DC

Fat transfer breast augmentations are the best of both worlds. This procedure allows you to remove unwanted fat from one area and place it in your breasts for a natural boost of volume.

Each patient has a different idea of what they want their desired outcome to look like, and some don’t want the look of an implant or don’t need a large enough increase in volume. That being said, this procedure is difficult to ensure a specific outcome. Your fat transfer breast augmentation DC results depend on how your body processes the new fat and how much it doesn’t use.

Breast Lift in DC

During a breast lift in Washington, DC, incisions are made to sagging or droopy breasts in order to lift the breast and improve the contour. After the incisions are made, the underlying breast tissue is lifted and reshaped, the nipple and areola are repositioned, and any excess breast skin is removed.

There are four different types of breast lift incision. The doctors will work with you to evaluate which type of breast lift incision will best suit your needs.

  • Anchor: 3 basic incisions, one around the areola, one vertical to the breast crease, and one horizontal along the breast crease
  • Lollipop: 2 basic incisions, one around the areola and one vertical to the breast crease
  • Periareolar: 1 incision around the areola
  • Crescent: 1 along the top half of the areola

Breast Reduction Surgery DC

During a breast reduction in DC, excess skin, fat, and tissue are removed in order to achieve a reduced size and desired shape. Oftentimes the weight of the larger breasts causes them to sag, so the breast is also lifted during this procedure.

The amount removed will depend on the patient’s anatomy and goals. Breast reductions can be done to improve your aesthetic look, relieve physical discomfort, or both.

Breast Reconstruction in Washington, DC

Breast reconstruction procedures aim to help women reclaim and maintain their femininity by restoring or replacing the breasts. After enduring breast cancer and losing of one or both breasts, survivors deserve to resume a normal, pre-diagnosis life.

Reconstruction cases are different because it may be a different canvas the doctor is working with, you may have different expectations for your desired outcome, and there may be other factors involved that make it more unique than other cases. A consultation is especially important in these situations to determine the exact parameters of the case and ensure you are happy with the end result.

Breast Implant Revision Washington, DC

Whether you are looking to downsize your breast implants in Washington, DC, or are needing an implant repair, we can help. Implants are not made to last forever and our taste tends to change as time continues on. Revising your breast augmentation will help you feel more like yourself and ensure your body stays healthy.

You will need to consult with the doctor to provide the information of your previous procedure and determine what you want your end result to look like.

If you’re interested in any of these DC breast enhancement procedures, schedule your consultation today!

Restore Youthful Looking Breasts With a Breast Lift

If your breasts are looking a little deflated and saggy due to pregnancy, weight loss, or aging, a breast lift may be right for you. In 2020 alone, nearly 90,000 patients opted for a breast lift procedure. The procedure is a great way to restore youthful, perky breasts and can be tailored to your specific needs.

How the breast lift procedure can be tailored to your needs

Breast Lift in DCThe procedure has four basic incision types that are meant to fit your needs:

  • Anchor: 3 basic incisions, one around the areola, one vertical to the breast crease, and one horizontal along the breast crease
  • Lollipop: 2 basic incisions, one around the areola and one vertical to the breast crease
  • Periareolar: 1 incision around the areola
  • Crescent: 1 along the top half of the areola

You can discuss what incision may be needed to achieve your goals during your consultation with Bruno | Brown. We can also discuss any other procedures that may help you achieve your ultimate goals. For example, many women want to not only lift their breasts but also increase the size. We typically recommend that our patients combine procedures, such as a lift and augmentation, so that they can also combine their recovery time and achieve their goals even faster.

Your breast lift consultation with Bruno | Brown

During your consultation, we’ll discuss how the procedure can benefit you and help you achieve your breast goals. We can go through any questions you have about the procedure and discuss any other areas of your body you would like to target.

When you decide you may be ready to undergo a breast lift, finding the right plastic surgeon for your DC breast lift procedure is critical. Our doctors have decades of experience making each and every patient feel beautiful and confident with the latest, technically advanced practices.

To schedule a consultation with Bruno | Brown for a breast lift call 301-215-5955 or click here.





DC Breast Augmentation

Are you looking for a lift through breast augmentation in DC? Drs. Bruno and Brown are experienced, top-rated plastic surgeons in the DC area.

Breast Augmentation DC Before and AfterIf you are looking to increase the shape and size of your breasts, breast augmentation may be right for you.

There are several choices when it comes to breast augmentation in the Washington, DC area. These include fat grafting, saline implants, silicone implants and ideal implants.

Each implant has unique benefits and results, so set up a consultation with Bruno|Brown Plastic Surgery to discuss your options, the types of results you’re looking for and more. We’ll take into account the overall look you want to achieve, as well as your lifestyle in order to figure out which type of breast augmentation works for you.

Benefits of DC breast augmentation

Benefits of breast augmentation include increased breast symmetry, improved projection, increased and reshaped cleavage, the return of breast volume and shape (typically seen after aging, pregnancy or weight loss).

The best candidates for breast augmentation

The best candidates for breast augmentation DC are at least 18 years of age, are interested in modest to significant breast enhancement, may have some breast asymmetry, are not currently pregnant or nursing, and are in good overall health.

You can expect the breast augmentation procedure to take 1 – 2 hours, and the recovery time is typically 2 – 4 weeks. There is no overnight time with this procedure.

Are you considering having breast augmentation surgery in DC? Contact us to discuss your options. We look forward to meeting you!